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Unban Appeal - L3ROY - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for L3ROY 

In-game Name: Leroy Green

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198231609824

Ban ID: !!rpuk6199!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Money Exploit

Why should we unban you ?: I feel like a should be unbanned because this was my first incident ever, I know it's a bad one and it's not excepted but I feel like I've been taught my lesson and I can assure you that nothing like this would ever occur from me again. It's my own fault, I hold my hands up and take full responsibility for my actions. I massively regret doing this and I want to get back into the server and just play as normal. I feel like I bring a good sense of RP to RPUK and ever since being in RPUK, I've tried my best to RP and interact as much as I can and best I can. All I can ask for is a second chance and I promise you I won't be breaking anymore rules, that I can assure you. Hope you find the time to read this and I hope to hear back with good news, thanks.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @L3ROY

To refresh your memory; You were asked to appeal no sooner than 15/05/2022 in all of your previous unban appeals.
Today is the 14th - it may just be a day, but the restriction remains the same. 

However, I'll give you some insight into your case none the less.
     - You created over 60 new characters in order to generate a vast amount of money.
     - You've stated this is your first incident, pardon if I may seem harsh, but that bares little relevance in a case like this. 
  The way you cheated, the amount of characters you created and money generate, puts your case at a bit of an 'extreme'. 

Now; You were told to appeal on the 15/05/2022 in your original unban appeal, this is the third time you appeal before this date... Since you appear unable to follow this simple request, I'm going to add yet another three months cooldown before you can appeal.

If you aren't able to follow this request alone, we cannot possibly trust you'll be able to follow all of the other rules that applies on our servers.

For your appeal to have any chance of success, or even be entertained in the slightest by the staff team, it's going to need a LOT more effort put into it than a mere "I have learned from my mistake, it won't happen again". 
You'll have to motivate your reasons for returning a whole lot more than this. Try again on the 15/08/2022 - preferably without simply copying the previous appeals as you have done in attempt two, three and four.

To further motivate you to follow this request of not appealing before the 15/08/2022, another month will be added to your cooldown for each time you submit an appeal before this date. 

Good luck.

- - - -
Previous Unban Attempts:
Fourth [Current]

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