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Unban Appeal - L3ROY - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for L3ROY 

In-game Name: Leroy Green

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198231609828

Ban ID: !!rpuk6199!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I used a exploit.

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned because this has been my first offence, I know it's a serious one as well, however I feel like this ban has taught me a huge lesson that I will never forget. It's made me reflect on my actions and has taught me to think ahead and the consequence's that could happen. I don't really know why I had done this, it was just a silly mistake and I hold my hands up and take full responsibility. I feel like I bring a high aspect of roleplay to RPUK, I try to interact with everyone I see or speak with, while making the RP fun and entertaining. This has also lead to me making new friends and not being able to speak to them does kinda suck. Again it's my own fault and I do regret it, all I can ask for is a second chance and I promise you, I won't be breaking anymore rules, that I can assure you. I enjoyed every minute I've had on the server, its been over a year since I started on RPUK and its just made me think how much I rate your server, there have been many nights of grinding, having fun and just enjoying what's going on in the city with my mates. Hope you find the time to read this and I hope to hear back with good news and again I'm sorry for what I have done, it was honestly just a stupid silly mistake, that wasn't thought through at all, I hope you'll all forgive me. Thank you for the chance to appeal and I'll respect any decision that's made. But I am hoping to get back into the roleplaying on RPUK.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

it was just a silly mistake and I hold my hands up and take full responsibility.
It was not. You created a total of !!! 60 !!! new characters and generated over 2 million out of thin air. That is not a mistake.. You did this with full intent and knowing what you were doing. We have to ban a lot of people for this kinda rule break, but barely anyone has taken it as far as you have. If you are willing to go to such lengths for some money, what else are we going to see from you in the future?  

In my eyes it was a mistake, it wasn't something I had planned to do, it was just something that happened in the spear of the moment. I know I generated a lot of money, but that's why I thought I was banned for so long and because its a serious rule break. I do understand that its a big deal and doing something like this is against the rules, however I feel like I've been taught a lesson with the 6 month ban and knowing how it can cause serious issues in RPUK I wouldn't want anything like this happening again. All I want to do is to be back in the server as normal, having a laugh and just making entertaining content. All I can say really is that this is the first and only rule break that will occur from me and I wouldn't want do break anymore rules because I don't want to be banned again. Thanks again.

Well @L3ROYyou only have yourself to blame for this. Firstly something you didn't plan on doing? 60 times. Behave, honestly who do you take us for? I am not buying this crap in the slightest. 
Secondly did you actually read anything from your last appeal? You was told not to appeal until your "cooldown" expired which it was stated after 15/08/2022 Otherwise you will have a month added onto that.

I am not going to do that. Since you can't be bothered to read and follow the rules I am going to be denying this appeal. No appeal will be entertained for 6 months from this date.

Therefore you can make a new appeal on 20/11/2022 

I can't stress this enough if you fail to follow these rules, you will have a forum restriction applied which will not allow you to post. On top of that if say you make an appeal in 3 months time, that appeal will be denied and the 6 months will start again. 

We do not appreciate our time being wasted by the stupid story that you are coming up with. 


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