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Unban Appeal - loco cartre - GTA RP

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loco cartre

New member
Unban Appeal for loco cartre 

In-game Name: loco cartre

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198153802817

Ban ID: !!rpuk4186!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.1 C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: VDM rue curtails vehicle violence in RP. Rule promotes fair roleplay. The rule has multiple aims. Promotes equity. VDM playerhave unfair advantage over roleplayers. Realism enhancement for games. VDM klls RP immersion. Broken ule: unneceary harm/kill. "Griefing hinders rolplay imersion." Be respecta and positive in roleplay. No OOC during RP. Chating may include games r casual conversations. Disrptive RP. Keep character for imersive RP.
I did it out of anger to a gang and comitted two offenses leading to my ban, which I fully understad.

Why should we unban you ?: Sorry for causig my server ban. I broke rules (G1.1) and (G2.3), harming the rolelay. "I didt understand the rules and my emotion ruine the roleplay for others." Sorry for ruinin the roleplay with my action. Sory for any trouble, and I take full responsible. Will follow rules in future. I'm learnig roleplay rules to improve gaming and prevent rule violations. Sory, please give me another chance. sory if this seems rushed since you may think its short but i spend a lot of time doing this withou a spell checker due to dyslexia thank you.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Why did you do it?

i was nieve and immature, i just didnt like the way they spoke to me but i understand my reacton was overboard and i am sorry.

So, say we unban you.

What happens if someone speaks to you in a way you don't like again?

Conflict is a common, necessary part of RP on every and all roleplay server and is something you'll encounter daily. You've proven to us you're prone to reacting wrongly when faced with this, so what's changed?

since that time i have played alot of servers so im fully composed i just really didnt get the concepte 2 years ago. it was back when i was imature i love RP now  and understand exactly what is nessesary to play and stay within the rules, i am sorry about my past but it was the first time i joined a server i just messed up i promise if im unbanned you can check in on this account a month from now and see im here to play and rp and even after 2 years of playing i still have come back to apologise as i seriosly didnt get the rules 2 years ago, over the years i have learnt everything and thats why im back

i would never act the way i have previously again it ruins the RP and i am aware of how that reflects on your server i

This is a report on you from a situation that was picked up after your ban, tell me your thoughts on it, what you did wrong and what you can do better next time, please

i was driving a bike and hit someone but it was not on purpose but i was driving wrecklasly and that isnt ok id mainly work on trying to be safer on the roads and avoid altercations on gang area im not looking to cause trouble ive got alot more experience now after playing rp for 2 years and i know i can prove that

i didnt quite understand what people were doing in gang areas either so im now fully aware you cant just wander around as it could cause you some trouble im really sorry about my past but im here to set things right ive apologised for my wrong doings and i know i have what it takes to play rp the way it is intended as im not an immature 15 year old anymore so once again im sorry for the disrespect i leave my fate in your hands have a great day!

sorry i mean car i get mixed up when writing long sentences sorry

also i can see i shot a musket but i never hit anyone this was purely to warn them over a drug disput that we previously had when he told us we weret alloud near the petrol station. but the vdm was wrong and not actually on purpose as he was round the corner and i tok a sharp turn after being chased by red gang so i am sorry for that as that is all on me. i did not rdm anyone as the clips show

16* i miscliked i am now 18 and i have matured past this stupidity i brought to you and your server i was not raised like this 

Locked for 3 days for bumping.

Hey mate i dont want this to be classed as bumping as its not ive been waiting quite a few days now and would like to know where you are at with this decison?

thanks for everything youre a true legend for handing all these reports i know it must be hard

Hey mate i dont want this to be classed as bumping as its not ive been waiting quite a few days now and would like to know where you are at with this decison?
You sure? Locked for 3 days for bumping.

I recommend you go have a lil gander here: 
I recommend having a read through the unban appeal rules, as this is your SECOND time breaking them. 

i was timed out once fine. but then i waited 3 days to get un timed out expecting the situation to be handled professionally but i was then made to wait 3 more days even though the guy covering my appeal had replied to others? i also saw a notif for a message come up and came onto the chat and saw nothing???

personally to me i think you guys timed me out then didn't reply for days after me being un timedout just so id reply again and you could time me out again to play some sick prank on me, i thinks its really shallow to reply to other people and ignore my request, even if you denied it at least you looked at it as i said i had been timed out for 3 days then got un timed out and after 3 more days of waiting i still didn't get a reply and when i want to follow up to make sire i get an answer i get timed out again??? like come on how sad are you guys to be a gta moderator and then prolong peoples wait times and then blame them for wanting an update, i do feel sorry for boys/men like you who have no real control in the real world so you resort to taking advantage and using a false sense of power over people, just remember you're not paid to do what you do, you're just a volunteer because you love the feeling of having power over people because you lack it in the outside world, i don't care about being unbanned anymore as you've shown your true colours as people, i will pray for you as i know you must be suffering in the life you live.

There will come a day in your life where you realise theres more to micro managing teenagers on a server without getting paid for it, focus on school and maybe you'll be able to turn your lives around, goodluck guys if you want to talk further i'll drop my discord x

if you want to talk further i'll drop my discord x
Why would we ever want to do that after this reply?

Your incapability to follow basic rules on ban appeals is no fault of ours, and unbanning you from an action that you yourself committed is not one of our priorities, it's at the bottom of the pile.

I hope you see fit at some point in the future to take responsibility for your actions, it's an important life skill to have. Projecting your insecurities on the staff team who volunteer their time to a community that you've attempted (unsuccessfully) to return to is indicative of you still being too immature to play here and is part of the reason why we have an age limit.


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