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Unban Appeal - louiechelts - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for louiechelts 

In-game Name: louie brown

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198322194080

Ban ID: 3323

Reason given for your ban: forum report - G1.1 / C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: not sure why i was banned wasnt playing when i was banned just logged of then come back on the next day to see that im banned

Why should we unban you ?: i enjoy the server and play it alot was saving up for a car for weeks

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I am really sorry about that it sound like ima troll but I was testing out a Heli and never flown one before and didn't know how to stop and move about i was arrested for  it and had a fine I said I was sorry and explained everything that happened to the police officer I was tryna meet a mate and get him out of trouble as he was getting chased by a gang i thought everything was fine as I kept playing for 2 days after that saving up for a car only to be banned  but I am sorry and never had so much fun a server before.  am truly sorry

I have given you the chance of explaining yourself. I have given you the reason you were banned and all you can come up with is "i have never had so much fun on a server".

If this was a accident and you didnt mean it then why would you combat log. You do not fill me with any confidence that you are here for good reason.


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