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Unban Appeal - Lxvzq - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Lxvzq 

In-game Name: Tyrone Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198393656625

Ban ID: Unknown

Reason given for your ban: Not known

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hi, I have been playing the sever for over a year now and have only ever had one ban which was taken by a mistake by myself. The situation that occurred for me to get banned was a RDM on myself and for me to log off at 4am to go to bed. Anyway, since then I have been following the rules throughout my time in the city and I have tried to provide high quality rp to the best of my ability in a lot of situations. I have recently stopped playing the sever as much and have now been trying to only make money and that has been my main focus for the past two weeks or so. Other than that my social interactions have been little, maybe a few at some gang turfs or at Tire Nutz or Auto Exotic but other than that no other interactions. I am really unsure if I am banned or why I was removed from the discord as I was in the discord earlier today and I was playing in the sever this morning. Hopefully I can find out what has happened as I think it is a mistake as nothing crosses my mind for me to get banned.

Thanks for your time

Why should we unban you ?: As I have stated above I am not sure what has happened in this whole situation and I would like to know why. I don't know what else to say really.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Would you like to tell us about this?


Hi, I can do. I wanted to make my own custom link to my sever and I watched a few tutorials and it said to use that (discord io). I only sent a few of them to like (io invites) 2 people or so as I thought it was broken or didn't work properly so I just changed it through discord and made it a never ending invite. I was told by someone not to send IO links to others after I sent it to them, I am not sure if you would like me to name them or not I don't mind. I later found out after watching an 'IO' tutorial to get a custom discord link for my sever that I actually need to be level boost 3 on the sever. 
I have only been inviting people who I speak to in the sever or who I know to my discord sever to connect with me and others for business as I now do Photography for people within the city. I would say it is the same concept as other business' such as: Auto Exotic, Reveal, Taxi Auto as some use their severs for raffles and try to make a community with it. 
I also use my sever as a portfolio if you will, for people to have a look at my work with clients within the city. Sometimes I will be speaking to them within the city, and they will ask to see some work and as I don't take the pictures on the actual in game phone I will ask for their email in the city to then send them an invite. However, it has only been today where I thought about the custom link for my sever where it would just have my name instead of random letters and as I said above I only found out after I could get it from level sever boost. Since then I removed the Discord IO bot from my actual discord due to the person warning me. (I can confirm I only sent the IO link to two people)

At the end of the day I personally had good intentions and only want the best for the community I obviously didn't know the consequences of the IO link and to send out a link of a sever all together. I also only sent the link to former clients or people that I know. I think I know why it looks dodgy as I also don't have my in game name as my discord name as I play other games too so it could also look like a spam. I just want to apologise as I was oblivious to this.


Who are the people you sent it to?

Hi, Isak Vladislav and Bas that is the IO link the ss that you posted. I sent other invites as a normal discord link after to other people too. I can say I did just drop it into the chat but it was to people who I have done pictures for before in the city.

The problem isn't the IO link, the problem is you using our platform to advertise your servers to.

We have a rule against advertising, can you find it and tell us why we have it?


My sever is for RPUK and was originally made for my photography within the city. I am advertising myself by using it as a portfolio for people in the city to see what pictures I have done, If I was wanting to advertise the sever I would put it in the RPUK sever like I do with my twitch when I stream. I have only sent invites to people who I have had interactions with within the city, I have not gone and searched up random people to invite at all. 

As stated In the C3.0  rule you guys have implemented this to not advertise any gaming or other rp severs. This rule can also stop people and other severs stealing your own player base so I do understand why you have this rule. I do not think I was advertising people to just join a sever as such as I only sent the invites to people who I have done pictures for in the city and some people may not of recognised my discord name as I have recently changed it from 'Lxvzq' to 'Intuitive'. This name change occurred when I left the sever and didn't come on at all. I see why I was reported too as for some people they may not be able to remember me just from a conversation on discord and it would be the same as me as I find recognising a name is a lot easier than a conversation from 2 months.


Okay @Lxvzqyou've told us what the original intention of the server was, but what was the reason for inviting people? be honest.

Hi, The invites were sent to certain people who I have done business with or that I know very well in the city. I only tried to do good and do what these other businesses have done, that is why I started to invite people. I have recognised I did go the wrong way about it and realised that I should not be inviting people without context as such and to make sure that they recognise who I am in the city. 

Okay @Lxvzqlet this be a lesson for you.
Whilst having a discord server dedicated to a business or group is generally considered OK, it is not okay to invite numerous people on a whim.
We do expect roleplay to be provided even in these scenarios and for the invite to have some kind of intention to further that roleplay, If you intend to use that discord server for a business on our server i suggest opening a ticket with us beforehand to get any questions cleared up!


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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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