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Unban Appeal - Macca - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Bean Machine Car Park
Unban Appeal for Macca 

In-game Name: John Wittenberry

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199151117200

Ban ID: !!rpuk14409!!

Reason given for your ban: Banned on assumption of metagaming

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/148802-report-a-player-john-jake-hustlers-gta-rp/

I was reported by Ballas as so was Jake for supposed metagaming which was accepted on a assumption and no solid evidence to prove said metagame. I had died on Ballas turf in a gun fight that had occurred, i had went AFK during this for 20/25 mins as i was making food at the same time, the server then was having issues with people being booted off including myself, i opened a staff ticket to inform them i was dead on Ballas turf and that i wasn't combat logging and that i was planning on respawning as soon as i could. I was booted off the server a few times before it had become stable and i was able to log back on, i was laid in the gardens waiting my timer out before i could respawn, i was eventually found by PJ and i bled out not long after it, At not one point did i know Jake was pushing Ballas turf until it was Charlie Senna at the time saw him in one of the gardens close by and chased him away.

Jake's POV:

Why should we unban you ?: i was banned of a assumption and there was no solid evidence to back said rule break

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I am just going to guild you to my response on Jakes appeal,

We are not believing this, as its proven that Jake was in a call with someone streaming and doesn't really make sense as to what was going on there.

Next time give us the truth, because we aren't believing this...

Can re-appeal in a month time (19/11/23)


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