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Unban Appeal - Martin Friss - Altis Life

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Martin Friss

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Martin Friss 

In-game Name: Martin Friss

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198124795302

Ban ID: N/A

Reason given for your ban: ATB (Autoban)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Heya,

I will explain my story leading to the ban here, hope that it is acceptable. One day, like any other, I dediced to connect to my (at that time) favorite server which I visited daily, spent most of my free time there.
I am not really sure what time it was, but I got some memories of me just getting back home from school. I tend to open up youtube and watch videos as my arma is loading. So as I was watching the vid, I totally forgot I was actually connected to the server and had a slot selcted. After like 30 minutes of watching I have realized that, rushing back in to the game to see If I was autokicked, since I did not want to fight for an empty slot again. I was already at the screen that says continue, then you select your spawn point. Happy that I was still not kicked, I started to spam enter. I have spammed it quite a lot, maybe like 10 clicks a second. Once I skipped those menus (continue -> spawn select) I got kicked (autobanned) I was hella confused, already being mooved in the teamspeak channel by other gang members. So I unmuted and they asked me what is going on, so I replied that I do not know. Tried connecting again, but was already banned.

So long story short, I think that I might have glitched the system somewhat? I went to talk to admins in support channels, I do not remember much about what were we talking about, but I do remember some questions asking if I ever used cheats on Arma. I replied that that was a negative (I thought he meant if I used cheats on RPUK, or if I was actively using them. I did neither of those) So after that I was told to apply for an perm ban appeal which I think is no longer a thing?

At the unban appeal I was being honest, told my truth about once trying out cheats longer time agon, before actively playing on RPUK. I was server banned afterwards on that random server, never getting back to cheating again.

So long story short, I think there might have been something to do with some hidden leftovers in my computer since I did not clean it up since the moment ages before being banned and me spamming enter, triggering the anticheat combined with the long waiting time in those menus.

Why should we unban you ?: It has been quite a while since I have been banned (this is probably the most used sentence by people trying to appeal their bans). I have been banned around April-May of 2019.
So now you are probably thinking how can I prove that I have not been using cheats? I really can not, but I have some things to point out that could suggest of me being innocent.
I did not quit playing arma after being banned. I kept playing and doing milsims on my private server. I have been using the same steam account for the entire time, this can be confirmed by my game activity.
Hours gathered on various games until that time. And the one factor you have been talking about, I had a game ban on my account before I even started playing on RPUK, I did not get any other vac/game bans since then. And one more thing regarding my fairly large wealth on the server at that time. It was all gathered by playing on the server, I have spent countless hours there. I have seen some graphs of how I have accumulated my wealths over time (Ihave some flashbacks it was around the time I was appealing for some lost cash, was shonw by some admin) and it was slowly growing, no substantial spikes like I have accumulated it in one week or so. Those are the only things that I can think of that could prove I am innocent

While I was playing on RPUK servers I have not been in many majour incidents regarding vdm/rdm. Surely there were some mistakes here and there, but we have usually resolved it between each other, letting go of it later. I have matured a bit more since then, not looking forward to be in any incidents that could be considered of being on the edge of rules. I have been loyal to RPUK even since I left, never switching to another server. I have provided people with many fun memories, even tho I was just a side character most of the people knew, not bothering about me much, but they were always welcome to see me, have a little chat or experience something unusual I tended to do. I always went or was trying to go with a different path of my story than most of the people, resulting in me doing those unusual activites or it could be called roleplay, from my side. I have never intended to cause any harm to anyone, just wanted to enjoy my life, have some fun with friends.

The main reason why I am trying to come back is that I have been talking to my old friend and he lighted the spark in me, to give Altis Life another chance, experience those fun moments again.
Altis Life was the first kind of roleplay I got to experience. Since I was banned, I could not find anything close to it due to lack of games that support rp in general and then if there are some games that do, they do not have the Arma realistic physics. So Altis Life is quite unique, and as I mentioned before, I do not want to start on another server, I do not like switching between servers, I find it quite annoying...

So long story short : I would like to experience the Altis Life roleplay on RPUK with my old buddies, recreate or create new fun events/memories
Hope you do not mind my lack of grammar...

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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You should have thought about that before you decided to try and cheat on our server. The system doesn't trigger for no reason.

As stated in your appeal in 2019 by Wilco. We are not convinced by your story / excuses.


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