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Unban Appeal - MasiekRozpruwacz - Discord

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Unban Appeal for MasiekRozpruwacz 

In-game Name: Alonso Sharp

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198886369904

Ban ID: N/A

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 i think im not actually sure

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think i got banned on discord because I was expressing my anger to a guy on discord after he tagged me and said I should come back to the "RP SITUATION" that we had before i had logged off. The issue is, there was no RP situation. I was already put in prison and walked into one of the cells to see if i can search the toilet, when i turned around the grouppe6 officer locked me inside the cell and was calling me a dirty criminal or something like that which is fair enough I have no issue with that. After having exchanged a few words it seemed like he was not planning on letting me out of that cell therefore I have disconnected because I have other things to do too. He asked me to come back to finish the "RP situation" so I did. Before I have joined back to the server we had a very heated argument on discord so I am fully aware its probably because of that.

Why should we unban you ?: I have no excuse for my anger towards the officer except for the fact that he's been deliberately trying to annoy me. I do have a hard time with controlling my anger at times so when i feel like i am being told stuff that isn't true or being provoked to make me even more angry then i have even more trouble controlling that anger. Wrong place at the wrong time I would say. I was going to apologise personally to that Grouppe 6 officer but not had a chance since Im banned. It might be too late but it might not. My apologies.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Almost EXACTLY 1 year ago you were banned for a VERY similar thing to this. You got arrested for a warrant and you started to spam OOC and discord opening multiple tickets because you did not get your way and you gave abuse again then.

That shows me that over the 1 year you have not changed one bit as you are having a hissy fit again because of your own in game actions. Regardless if you agree with it or not, you got yourself in prison and its not for you to go have a tantrum every time something does not go their own way. 

Why should i trust you wont do this again after you have showed over 1 year you still do the same thing?

I fully understand that my behaviour wasn't acceptable. I've been playing on this server for a very long time. I can Roleplay well and have proven that many many times. I have been in gangs that were doing serious roleplay and I've created some good roleplay situations with them. That was when I was playing FiveM consistently. I've recently had a long break from FIveM in general because it felt like it was the same stuff every day and not much happening. I do know how important it is to stay in character but when I take brakes from GTA RP I tend to forget how serious people take this stuff and I tend to let my self "loose". Ultimately, the decision is yours but I can promise you that I am never going to use abusive language  towards members of staff and other members of the server again. Once again, I apologise for my behaviour. 

@MasiekRozpruwaczIn future, if something doesn't go your way or you feel yourself getting hot headed, what are you going to do?

I will stop and think. I am seriously working on this issue. I'm still learning to control it but I do have a technique for when I get 'out of control'. "Breathe, recalibrate and deliver." I can assure you that this will never happen again and I will prove it if you guys give me another chance.
Thank you for giving me a chance to explain my self.

Unbanned this time. But i ask that you attempt to say level headed when people just want to talk.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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