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Unban Appeal - Matias Cano - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Matias Cano 

In-game Name: Matias Cano

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199422007646

Ban ID: !!rpuk11674!!

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I received a ban for logging out. My parents yelled and pushed me to turn it off because it was becoming late. I was forced to do it. I'm so sorry I couldn't finish the role-play, I do apologise, and I promise not to do this again.

Why should we unban you ?: I know what I did wrong, and I won't make the same mistake again. I adore playing on this server, and I'm very grateful that it exists and allows me to have fun. I just joined the server, and on my first day there, I was banned. I am aware of all the regulations, therefore this will never occur again. I truly apologise.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there @Matias Cano
I hope we're going well tonight. 

Why get yourself involved in a situation if you had to go off to bed as it was becoming late?
I'd like to ask you, how old are you? 

Hello there, I hope everything is well with you. To answer your question, it was primarily because I was being extremely loud and wanted to continue playing, but I was so loud that my parents decided to force me to turn it off. My age is 19 years old.

Morning @Matias Cano

As much as I understand your situation, you must understand from our perspective we have no way to verify these events and we were not contacted immediately afterwards (using Discord on your phone, for example) to let us know of this situation.

Therefore, this will be treated as a standard combat log and as such you will be liable to recieve the 1 month cooldown applied to all bans under C2.3.

You may appeal after 08/03/23


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