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Unban Appeal - Matias Cano - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Matias Cano 

In-game Name: Matias Cano

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199422007646

Ban ID: !!rpuk12553!!

Reason given for your ban: (G2.4)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: (G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

I didn't value my life in this situation. I felt as though I wasn't outnumbered and had a chance but it ended up me getting banned for NVL.

Why should we unban you ?: Why should we unban you ?: I was banned for NVL. I wasn't outnumbered and his friend was clearly in he's head. He pulled out a knife on me and then I stabbed him. I guess in his eyes I didn't value my life. I thought I was in the right however it looks like I'm not. We spoke in discord and I tried sorting it out. He accused me of metagaming at first and didn't even wait for the rp to finish and kept saying come discord. I spoke to him apologised and tried sorting it out however it clearly didn't work. I feel like this is some revenge report because I messed up his plan. This is a lesson for me and now know at all time to value my life. I thought I was in the right because NVL rule states If you are outnumbered you should value your life however I was outnumbered. Now I know for next time.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

All I see in this appeal is -

  • I felt like I wasn't outnumbered
  • I felt like I had a chance
  • Its only in his eyes that I didn't value my life
  • I thought I was right
  • Revenge report

All of the above just shows, that you have no understanding of the rule and are trying to pass the blame for your mistakes.

I thought I was in the right because NVL rule states If you are outnumbered you should value your life however I was outnumbered.
You're half right, there are two parts to the NVL rule which are clearly stated as If you are outnumbered or at a clear disadvantage then you must value your life.

Wouldn't you say having a knife to your throat, puts you at a clear disadvantage?

Hey Liam, at first I didn’t understand the rule that good. I spent time waiting in teamspeak to speak to staff and get a more understanding to this rule. It was explained to me in every scenario and now I see where I was wrong. Someone had a knife to my throat and I was clearly at disadvantage. I understand and comprehend where I went wrong and in future scenarios I will know what to do straight away and value my life. Most rules fall under real life criteria and what I did I wouldn’t react like that in real life. In all honesty I am in the wrong. I made a mistake and wish to learn from this and not let it reoccur.

Do you interpret other rules, in different ways?

Whose to say, if we unban you today that you wont be banned for another rule tomorrow because you didn't understand it? 

I’ve understood and comprehended all of the rules in team speak. Staff explained it to me. In rp uk you come across a lot of scenarios and in them scenarios I now know what to do and how to act. There won’t be another rule break and I can assure you to that. 

Can re-appeal on (28/06/2023)


@Matias CanoSorry looks to have been a misunderstanding on our end, you may continue on this appeal and will be moved back out of the denied section.

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This is your second permanent ban in the six months that you have been here, please explain in more detail as to why we should keep entertaining this appeal and not send you away on a cooldown?

Hey Liam, my first ever ban was me as a baldy I didn’t know the rules and first day rp uk I was hit with a ban. I acknowledged all of the rules before coming and wasn’t banned for a long time. I made a silly mistake not valuing my life and it won’t happen again. To prove to you I’m dedicated to make a change I was in team speak a lot trying to comprehend this rule and I did. Every scenario was set for me and if I was given a second chance why would I re make that mistake. This is a golden chance for me and it won’t happen again. You learn from your mistake. Let this be a one off for me because I can assure you this ban will never fall under my name again. I’m truly sorry. 

Hey Liam, my first ever ban was me as a baldy I didn’t know the rules
Your first perm ban was 2 months ago.

 I acknowledged all of the rules before coming and wasn’t banned for a long time.

In your last appeal, you were given a link to both sets of rules. Did you read these? You state you didn't understand the rule prior to being banned, why didn't you ask for more clarification? You only asked for clarification after being caught and banned, yes?

In all honesty you are right Liam. However I did understand the rules it’s just the fact I understood it differently. When I didn’t value you my life I thought I was in the right and I understood and comprehended that later that I wasn’t . Even speaking in team speak you can tell I was sincere. I wasn’t trying to break the rule I just didn’t understand it to well. Which in all case scenario now I do. 

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In future, if you don't understand the rules or you might have a different interpretation of them. Please open a ticket or discuss with Staff over Teamspeak. It is not worth getting banned for a rule that is clearly stated on the rules set.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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