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Unban Appeal - Matt Stones - GTA RP

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Matt Stones

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Matt Stones 

In-game Name: Matt Stones

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198992369443

Ban ID: !!RPUK12721!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.7 (got autobanned)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Please note that I have nothing against the Coalition outside of RP and I have nothing against any orientation. A group of friends and I were talking about the Coalition (none of which was Coalition so no Coalition were around) and I still don't understand why I did this but I did an inappropriate /me command which I'm sure staff can see.

Why should we unban you ?:  I've spent some time thinking about what I did, but, honestly, I still cannot understand why I wrote that and how I thought that it would be appropriate in any social context.

I want to repeat and make it very clear that I have no prejudice against any group and my dislike of Coalition strictly stays on my Matt Stones character. I had a huge lapse of judgment and I did what I did without any real thinking about what I was saying and how it would affect people and I need to apologize for this. I simply was just being an idiot. What I did was extremely out of my character and I hope that those who know me know this.
I want to make it clear that I said this in a confined environment with only friends present and not directly towards any Coalition member.

I don't know what I was thinking but I can say that I will never do something like that again, not in RP or real life. What I did simply does not reflect who I am and I really don't understand what happened to my judgment. All I can do now is make sure that it doesn't happen again.

This ban was clearly justified but I can only hope that I can be given the chance to become part of the RPUK community again.
Currently, I am not sure what I would do if I was allowed back into the RPUK community, however, I would do something that is enjoyable for both me and whoever I am with. This may be creating a new character or continuing my journey on my retired police character or my criminal character. I have so many good memories from my time as both a 229 member, and, a police officer and I can only hope others have the same view as me.

Throughout my time on RPUK I believe that I have shown that I strive to always keep a high level of RP and make the situation enjoyable for everyone involved, I hope to be able to continue this whilst adhering to the very clear rules.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @Matt Stones
How are we doing today?

I kind of want to talk about your over all use of /me(s), do you use /me(s) to convey OOC messages? 
Now onto why you were banned, what lead up to it? What was happening when you were talking about Coalition? 
You don't understand why you did what you did, now that worries me a little. - Do you have slip ups like this often? 

I've had better days but pretty alright thanks. How about you @Mike Wolfie?

I often use /me to deepen my RP scenarios such as /me picks (item) up or other relevant actions. Additionally, in rare specific scenarios, I have used  /me to RP writing on a notepad. For example, a few days ago I got pulled over but I could not hear the police officer, so, I wrote /me I cannot hear you and handed him a notepad. None of these are OOC messages, however, if you have seen something that you are concerned about, please, feel free to ask me about it.

The situation that led up to me being banned was me and a few other 229 members were standing around a table and talking in one of the rooms inside the 229 clubhouse. Whilst we were just standing around the table talking, the topic about the Coalition came up, and, I experienced massive lapse of judgment and did that /me. 

Simply, I did what I did without using my brain and thinking through what I was actually saying, and, how it could go on to affect other people. I deeply regret what I did and I have never done anything like this before. 

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Hello there, 
I am doing well thank you, @Matt Stones😄

In regards to my question above, I was having a lil peak and found /me(s) commands such as these: 
- game is dyinh
- letg me restaret
Those are the two most recent one, that caught my eye. 
Do you recall these? 
These were made WHILE we have the /looc system. 

Is this the last time we will see each other on the forum in regards to this poor judgement? 
Or will you do a silly decision such as this one in the future? 


I have only just returned to the server after a fairly long break, and /looc was not a thing before I left, which Is why I have used the /me command, however, I understand that I should've used /ooc despite my knowledge of /looc. I did this in attempt to explain to Jack Vally (firearms officer) why I was not able to RP with them properly (microphone was cutting out) in the cells. I believe, now looking at the fact we have the /looc system, I can see why this mistake is even worse, whilst I didn't know about it it is not an excuse. I will learn from my mistake /me will remain strictly RP from now on, and I apologise for not using the /looc in the first place. I will familiarize myself with the new /looc system and if I run into any issues in the future I will use /looc

I can assure you this is the last time that you will see me here, I have taken a break from the server and games in general and I am looking to return to playing RPUK as this is the most fun that I have had whilst playing games. I will not be doing anything further to jeopardise my position in this community, and if given another chance, I will not take it for granted. I will make sure that you will not see me here again due to a lack of judgement or any other reason.

Thank you for taking the time to respond, and I am glad you're doing well.

Hello there, 

I am glad to see you return firstly, secondly, I understand that there have been a few new additions to the toys people can play with on the server. 
In no way am I trying to poke you, but educate you in regards that we now have /looc > /me(s) should only be used to enhance roleplay, not to communicate OOC messages, as sometimes, for lack of better word, people act on those, or better yet, read them out loud. 

One question, was the ban justified? 
In your own words, why has it been justified, and what have you learned? 

In your next reply, please, quote me the rule you broke, explain it in your own words why we have it. 

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Good afternoon @Mike Wolfie,

My ban was 100% justified. It is simply socially unacceptable to do what I did and I must accept the consequences of my actions. As I hope I've made it clear, what I did does not resemble me as a person in any way. I was not using my brain and thinking about what I was actually doing when I wrote that /me. I have learnt that I MUST always think twice about my actions, and, my words in both what they resemble, and, how they can go onto affect other people. In the future, I will ALWAYS think about my what my actions may go on to do, before, I do them.

Although in my ban I have only been banned for C1.7; common sense, I feel like C1.2 (discrimination) also applies to this circumstance since I used a word which could be interpreted as an insult. I want to make it clear that I have no negative views about any gender groups in any way and I would NEVER say this to anyone directly.
The server rule; C1.2 - any discriminatory views have no place on RPUK is essential to the wellbeing of the server. This rule is in place to prevent people of any groups to be abused, thus, ensures that the server is a positive place where people can come to enjoy themselves and relax. Simply, without this rule RPUK would cease to be enjoyable.
Onto the C1.7 -  everyone must use their common sense as adults whilst participating in roleplay scenarios. This rule is in place to ensure that the social norms and fundamental social rules of social are present on the server. Throughout childhood we have all learnt the social norms that ensures a functioning society, and, how to act in social contexts. C1.7 makes sure that everyone on RPUK acts in a manner which they would act in real life.

Hope you are having a wonderful afternoon.

Hello there, 
I hope you're well tonight.

You're right, it was a very bad judgement, and I hope you're right in stating this is a one off thing, I do not want you to return to these routes. 
I hope you can learn from this and use COMMON SENSE in the future in regards to your /me(s), and/or messages and/or over all voice-rp. 
I know you can roleplay, so it's a shame to see you in this situation. 

I will be giving you the GOLDEN TICKET and give you a chance to gain said trust back. 
Please, please, don't let me regret this decision!  

Any ban within the next 6 months of being banned will fall under the Fair Ban System.
Hopefully we won't see each other here. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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