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Unban Appeal - mattmez96 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for mattmez96 

In-game Name: matthew mez

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199390477883

Ban ID: g2.9

Reason given for your ban: Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i have not transferred any money from either one of my accounts. i have an account i do not use and the charecter i do not use has no money anyway to tranfer? dont know why ive been banned for that reason.

Why should we unban you ?: i beleive i have done nothing wrong. i had just been accepted into fire service aswell. i did not need to transfer money from my other account wich had near enough zero anyway as i made a new person for the fire and for main character. i think i should be unbanned because i take this server seriously and i role-play to the max, i do hope i can get unbanned as this is a good server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Did you not assist your friend with transferring money from one of his characters to another?

morning, no i sold him an iphone 18 promax and an expensive radio for 70k which robbed him pretty much. then his cousin came to the city and i went to buy a bike and he wanted one so i lent him 70k for a bike on the agreement he would pay me back, so we found some coke and went selling, he was earning the 70k back to re pay me, but i can see where you are coming from on your side how it looks and how it looks to me now but the intention of transferring money was not there as i knew you can get in trouble for but it was only lent until he could re pay me, many people have lent me money and ive helped friends out. i am truly sorry for my actions, and upset that i am banned. i genuinely am.

Yeah same story from your friend, not buying your story.

Re-appeal in a month time (13/02/24)


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