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Unban Appeal - mitchell94 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for mitchell94 

In-game Name: mitchell gerritsen

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198190228857

Ban ID: discord banned

Reason given for your ban: me being an ashole and saying cancer staf and some other things with cancer in it

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i know why i was banned and im not proud of it at all i got banned for saying absolutly stupid things in discord

Why should we unban you ?: because i am verry sorry for what ive done and the shit i gave to the staff without any reason for it even if there's a reason theres no excuse for the words i used.im found myself help aswell in the way of a weekly session that helps me alot to get further in live how to deal with my problems.and i think i can provide good roleplay why i think so is if played many hours on this server gta rp and arma rp and ive nerver had a report made agianst myself all the thingsi got in trouble for was myself being a absoluut asholle to staff without reason.i would like to state that i am trully sorry for what ive done and just pray for a chance to show that i can do it. this is my third try and the reason i give it another try is because i do wanna come back badlly

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Unfortunately we have been here before and you decided to spew out vile things towards my fellow staff, who are here to help and keep the server enjoyable for everyone.

The fact that you decide to wish cancer upon others is beyond me and certainly warranted you this ban, which will not be lifted in the foreseeable future. And to ensure we are not wasting each others time on more appeals, I will give you a 6 month cooldown after which you may attempt to get unbanned again. Anything beforehand will not be entertained. 

Try again after 06/12/2022 

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