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Unban Appeal - mmertkol - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for mmertkol 

In-game Name: Andrew max

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199468291875

Ban ID: !!rpuk11482!!

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3),(G2.9),(G3.1)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: - [ ] Combat logging,
- [ ] Transferring money
- [ ] Using steam to ask someone to pick me up while down.

Why should we unban you ?: During this month cool-down it allowed me to reflect on all off my rule-breaks and I’m nothing but embarrassed for even initially committing them, I take nothing but full responsibility for all off my past actions and want to apologise to anyone it has affected. I really do regret my past actions and just wish I had stuck to the rules and just enjoyed my time interacting with the amazing community the server offers. If I was given a second opportunity I can assure you that these mistakes will not happen again because I have learned my lesson and I will never take the server for granted anymore. I’ve also spent many hours reading over the community and server rules to strengthen my knowledge so I don’t breach them again. I really appreciate the opportunity for this Appeal and kindly hope you consider it, thanks mmertkol

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You've committed quite the string of what I would classify to be high level rule breaks.

I think first of all, the really simply question would help us proceed here - Why did you do it?

I guess to gain an advantage at the time but it was so stupid to do so.
This feels like a cop out of an answer.

How were you gaining advantage and why did you feel like you needed one, in an RP server?

That seems to somewhat contradict what you've stated above, you enjoyed the experience of interacting and RPing with others, so why throw it all away for this?

I was new to the game and it was tuff making money and wanted to buy a car so I transferred 40k from a fresh character to get the car that I wanted. I would also combat log to bypass the 15m timer.I would use steam to get a pick up while down to get taken to pill box which these actions gave me an advantage  when it wasn’t needed but was convenient at the time which is completely unacceptable and really regret and wasn’t thinking of the stuff I was sacrificing at the time of my mistakes but after I had time to reflect it wasn’t worth throwing away the fun I had on rp and if I had a chance again I would all be done legitimately.

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Can you please quote the exact rules that you broke?

The issues that lead you to breaking the rules will still be in affect should you ever return. It will be just as tough making money and the bleed out timer will still be just as long. How will you ensure these things will not lead you to break the rules again?

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

(G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

I can assure you I won’t breach these rules again as I have realised over the month ban that your RP server is a process, and min-maxing takes out part of the fun in RP. Also I’ve realised that dying and being knocked down is all part the role play life and skipping the timer ruins the role play not only for me but everyone else on the server as I gained a huge advantage over the other players which I regret massively. I can guarantee you that I wouldn’t break these rules or any of the other server rules as I have had a thorough read of the rule book and wiki you guys provide. Once again I do apologise that I broke these rules, but hopefully if you guys could give me another chance I will cherish it very much and promise to stick to the rule book and enjoy my rp also. 

Thank you for also taking time out of your day to look at my appeal.


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You've mentioned above the reason you combat logged was to and I'll quote you from above here "I would also combat log to bypass the 15m timer". When we talked on the roof prior to this ban, You mentioned the reason you did this was to save the clothing pre-sets. So what is the truth here? 

Yes I remember the conversation we had on the roof and the truth is I lied and im embarrassed and sincerely apologise for that.I can assure you that I’ve changed and that was the old me and that everything that I’ve said on this appeal is the 100% truth and will continue telling it.

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So giving you have lied when talked to on the roof that night, How can we trust moving forth you are being honest and will stick to things said here?

I know what I’ve done isn’t a light offence and that’s why I’m trying to prove myself by telling the truth and being honest on this appeal.I’m trying to show that I’ve changed and I’m putting an effort on this appeal because I really care about this server and would like to have a chance of coming back so I can show you I can do it legitimately this time.

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Okay, so if we where to allow you to come back, how exactly are you going to show us that you can contribute to the rp on the server? what is you plan(s)?
Note that due to the G2.9 ban your characters will be wiped and reset.

If I’m allowed another opportunity on the server I’m going to start off my rp by becoming either a taxi driver or a mechanic to increase my wealth. Then further on down the line I will try to get a job with Taxi Auto Centre or player owned businesses . This will allow me to speak to more people and increase my rp as time goes on. I’m also considering to apply for a hunter license which will allow me to interact with more people and increase my knowledge of rp. I also fully understand why my character will get a full wipe and totally agree with it. Lastly, if I do get another shot at your server hopefully I can prove to you that I’ll do it properly this time round.
Thanks mmertkol

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Hello @mmertkol

I am happy to unban you today and give you another chance however this chance comes with a condition.

  1. All but one of your characters will be deleted, you may chose the one you wish to keep. This character will also receive a full wipe. The only thing this character will keep is their memories/roleplay.
  2. As an alternative you may also start completely fresh with all characters deleted.

Let me know if you are happy to proceed with one of these conditions, and if you are choosing the first option please name the character you would like to keep.

Hi sorry about the delay. You can just wipe all the characters because I want to start a completely new life on rp so ill take option 2 please 

thanks mmertkol

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Wipe completed

All characters have been deleted and you have now been unbanned. Don't mess this chance up.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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