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Unban Appeal - Mokhtar Ali - GTA RP

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Mokhtar Ali

New member
Unban Appeal for Mokhtar Ali 

In-game Name: Mokhtar Ali

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199245461059

Ban ID: !!rpuk8845!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.15

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think i have been mistaken for another player and have been permanently banned.

Why should we unban you ?: i think i have been mistakenly been banned for c1.15. i was previously banned back in april for RVDM which i appealed for over a number of days and eventually got unbanned on 04/05/2022. I have not since played RP. This is the first time i have logged in since my unban but it says i have been banned since the 27th may. !!rpuk8434!!! is the Ban ID of my previous ban for RVDM. my apparent new ban is !!rpuk8845!!

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

so when your first unban got denied your telling me you didn't ban evade and play for until that account got banned as well?

(Better off telling the truth here) Shall we start again? 

You’re right. I appreciate you letting me start afresh. So, I got banned initially on this account for RVDM, I tried to appeal however it was denied so in my impatience I made another account and ban evaded by doing so. I can give you a spiel about how I didn’t realise it’s such a bad thing and so on but in all honesty, I knew what I was doing and I realise now I shouldn’t have done that. I should have appealed my initial ban and waited and contemplated how I messed as that was ongoing. I took the easy route and clearly that is not the way to go about things and I will keep that in mind if you do decide to unban me and I get back onto the game. I have familiarised myself with the rules now that I want to come back to play in the UKRP server and this time I will keep my gameplay within the constraints of the rules set by staff. 

I assume you will want me to also answer for what I was banned for on the second account. It was due to using the F slur during a heated interaction I had. I didn’t use this word with the intention of being homophobic. I have seen people use words like this that can be derogatory to disabled people, the trans community and the rest of the LGBT community. However, with this, it has always been a difference of opinion on what can and cannot be said and how and when it can be said. Due to this being a heated exchange that I was involved in, I had assumed that I could say that as if it was an outburst and an insult rather than a slur. That was never my intention. To avoid any scenario like this again, I will avoid using words that have slur connotations should you let me back in the server.
In conclusion, I understand what I’ve done wrong and do not wish to repeat my past mistakes. I do regret both of what I got banned for and for ban evading, it should never have even happened. I hope you can see that I have had time for self-reflection and kindly ask that you give me another chance in order prove myself as a quality role-player within the RPUK server. Should you do so, I will do my best to ensure that you won’t have to see me here again.

give me another chance in order prove myself as a quality role-player within the RPUK server. Should you do so, I will do my best to ensure that you won’t have to see me here again.
you gave yourself that second chance by ban evading didnt you? and guess what, you are back here again so why on earth would i trust you to do right now?

Yes, I did, but I did it the incorrect way and not the way the rules and regulations state. I didn't take RP seriously back then but after watching streams and seeing my friend's play the game I realise that it's a lot more fun playing properly. I will take it seriously now and keep myself within the rules no matter what. I don't intend to mess around. I don't think myself above the rules however that's what I implied by ban evading. So, all I can do is apologise for that. I have had a few months to reflect on what I did as I have had a mental break from gaming due to personal issues. I have always enjoyed playing GTA RP, as personally for myself I find it a way to escape the real world. I have matured up since then and I can assure you I will play within the rules set. Once again, I apologise for my previous behaviour. 

Looking over this we have a few things, You evaded a ban on your other account and in turn broke another rule whilst evading. Upon making this appeal you then decided to try and lie to us saying you was mistaken for someone else, However this isn't the case. You could of made an appeal for your main account and who knows you may have come back but this is something we wouldn't know fully as you decided to break more rules in the process. 

With this as a whole it is difficult to trust what you are saying more so when you lied upon making your appeal. So with this in mind I will be denying this appeal and applying a 6 month cooldown to yourself based on this. Since you did decide to evade your ban, This account will remain banned and when you appeal it will need to be for your main account to where you will need to answer for the current ban in place there an the ban evading you have done. You may appeal on or after March 24th 2023.


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