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Unban Appeal - Munners Puno - GTA RP

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Munners Puno

New member
Unban Appeal for Munners Puno 

In-game Name: Munners Puno

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199099224478

Ban ID: !!rpuk6767!!

Reason given for your ban: Transfering Money From a Charcter

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned from the server because i made a new character and transfered the starter money to make my own main charcter. I understand now this was very wrong and is not not allowd bbut i didn't know at the time as was very silly of me to try and do so.

Why should we unban you ?: I know what i did was wrong and i understand if i dont get unbanned because i broke the rules, i was just trying to get money i was broke and had no money and needed money fast but as i know now this was not the action to take. I was having so much fun on the server and really enjoyed the community you had built on the server, i play NoPixel public sometimes and i think this server was such much better and more fun to play on, also the Roleplay on this server is of high level. I just was having so much fun on the server at the time as was really getting into the city and starting to become known and finding ways in the city. Again i know what i did was wrong and respect the decision you have made and just hope that you can let me learn form this silly mistake and allow me to rejoin the server and have some fun again.
Thanks, Munners ❤️

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there.

So, knowing that it was wrong in the first place, what made you decide to do it anyway? Did you think you wouldn´t get caught?

At the time i didn't realise what i did was wrong till actually doing the action then regretted it, but now i understand that it was wrong and am sorry for my actions. I was hoping i would get away with it after doing it because i was really enjoying the server at the time, but clearly not. The reason i did it was because me and my frined need money really desperatly and come to think of it, it was a really stupid idea.

Please quote me the rule that you broke and explain why you think it is in place and what would happen if it wasn´t.

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

This is obviously not allowed as it gives a unfair advantage to those, as your are able to transfer money from the startup money that it gives you and would ruin the economy and gives the people do it an unfair advantage. 

Entertain me for a second...

You said and I quote "At the time I didn't realise what I did was wrong"... so, you think that transferring the starting money you receive from one character to another is an intended feature even though this require multiple people and you logging on / off to create new characters?

Well at the time i did think it was a feature as i tried doing it, but soon realised it wasn't when i got banned for it. As i said Me and my friend needed money and this was the solution at the time that we thought of and it was the wrong one reasoning why i'm now banned for it. 

At the time i didn't realise what i did was wrong till actually doing the action then regretted it
So you did the "action" then regretted it? Why didn't you come clean? you wasn't banned straight away. If you regretted it that much then surely it would have been much better from you if you came clean about it instead of pretending it didn't happen.

Yeah i should've come clean but, i was panicking at the time and didn't know what to do. So i just left it and hoped for the best but got the worst.

Very well. 
Since this seems to be your first offence, I am willing to give you another chance. Your account has been wiped and you will have to start fresh tho. 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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