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Unban Appeal - Mxtty1011 - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Mxtty1011 

In-game Name: Rodrick West

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321573219

Ban ID: !!rpuk11209!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.1 , G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was supposedly banned for RVDM and also RDM as stated by my reason for ban, however as confusing as it is on the report against me and my friends it says i was banned for giving a "countdown". I will come back to this supposed "countdown" in my reasoning for my unban.
So simply and respectively (not being cheeky) i believe it is unclear the real reasoning for my ban, the potential RVDM that occurred was dealt with swiftly by staff that attended the scene and me and my friends were all given a warning by them and then me and my accomplices agreed to go separate ways with the guy who later reported us. And the "countdown" i cannot believe it was a countdown. In addition the exploiting for us all punching him into the water, the admins also included this in their warning and we were educated.

Why should we unban you ?:

 To Whoever is reading this,

Well, Hi again to whoever is reading and i mean that in the least sarcastic way possible, I'm asking politely for you to understand me here. Yes i have a bad past with this server mainly due to being immature, i since matured and i was let back into the server december time of 2022. From then i gave a whole new level of effort into RP and created my solicitor, and my second character with plenty backstory on both. I was thriving with time off work i was building whole loads of new friends in the server and was having the best time ever.
Then on one day me and my friends were out robbing, normal protocol, we came across this guy who reported (VSolarian) us and decided he would be a prime target. we rammed him off of the road and began to threated him, i made the comment "u have 5 seconds" mixed in with a few more threats in order to put pressure on the man, And the thing is if i did do a countdown, DEFINITION (an act of counting numerals in reverse order to zero), i wouldnt of bothered to appeal. Once we applied the pressure on the victim, the RP we got back was horrendous, just saying, alough it has nothing to do with why i was banned i do believe its worth mentioning. With a shotgun and knives pointed at his head we were called pussies in a not bothered manor.
Moving on once we dumped him admins came to the situation and both sides ( us and the victim) had a chat with them, the admins gave us a warning for the ramming from my friend and me and we went separate ways.

Both out times are valuable here who ever is reading this, and i promise i woudlnt of took this time to write this out without believing that the countdown that i was banned for was actually a countdown. And as a mature adult obviously i will admin the ramming was wrong, but it was dealt with and the admins who came to the scene evaluated the situation that we deserved a warning to all of us. Therefore the only outstanding wrong doing was my supposed "countdown"

Why do i want unbanned all of a sudden? Well i decided it will show my genuine desire to get back onto RPUK by leaving it a few months, although wanting to appeal instantly. Before my ban i was having the be best and funnest time on the server, becoming a solicitor and building a case for Vegan Vlad with lots of effort, General RP, countless hilarious moments and finally nearly making it into Triads on my gang affiliated character. with all the great RP and stuff that i brung back from my previous unban i dont believe this corrupted image of a countdown should actually stop me from bring my characters into RPUK.

If i were to be unbanned i would continue the characters i have, with one being the solicitor and the other being my life of crime character. I have been catching up with a friend i have who is active on RPUK and he says he could get me into a gang if i were to return, there i can thrive as a gang member making funny moment vids for YT.

Ill finish off with that i am grateful for you reading this, ive got a bad past admins but i hope u can just mabyes have a look into why i was banned. i would be over the moon for you to ask any questions and i will be happy to take great time to talk with you

Kind regards,

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was supposedly banned for RVDM and also RDM as stated by my reason for ban, however as confusing as it is on the report against me and my friends it says i was banned for giving a "countdown". I will come back to this supposed "countdown" in my reasoning for my unban.
So simply and respectively (not being cheeky) i believe it is unclear the real reasoning for my ban, the potential RVDM that occurred was dealt with swiftly by staff that attended the scene and me and my friends were all given a warning by them and then me and my accomplices agreed to go separate ways with the guy who later reported us. And the "countdown" i cannot believe it was a countdown. In addition the exploiting for us all punching him into the water, the admins also included this in their warning and we were educated.
(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.

I don't see you taking this ban seriously. Stating stuff like 'supposedly banned for RVDM and also RDM' wont cut it. It is clear that you broke the rule, hence the punishment of it.

Moving on once we dumped him admins came to the situation and both sides ( us and the victim) had a chat with them, the admins gave us a warning for the ramming from my friend and me and we went separate ways.
Overall, you were banned for RDM as well as RVDM. You cannot attack another player without engaging in high quality roleplay. This goes for the RVDM too, both of which I never seen any high quality RP.

Please do the following:

  1. Quote the rules you broke
  2. Explain them in your own words
  3. Explain why we have these rules in place
Hi Liam,

I’ll start with sorry and I don’t want it to be taken like that. I am severely bothered about this ban hence the effort I am putting in to prove I’m worthy to be unbanned.

The reason I said “ supposedly banned for RDM and RVDM “ is because I was confused on what actually was my real reasoning , this is because on the ban message when trying to connect to the server it says for RDM and RVDM but on the report against me the reasoning gave was because of the countdown. Once again apologies for that I never meant to sound unbothered.

Aswell as this the reason why i have not talked too much about the RDM and RVDM reasoning is because the staff who came to the scene, one being Sammy, dealt with it and reading the rules it states under C6.1 that all decisions that staff make are FINAL. However i do take responsibility for these as previously mentioned, we broke rules and that's fair and square, when the admins attended the situation i expressed my deepest sorry to the staff and me and my friends we let off with a warning. 

Im not making excuses, and i cant stress that enough, i am sorry for what i have done Liam.

The rules i broke were as follows:

G1.1 - Random vehicle deathmatch or RVDM for short, this is the act of using your vehicle as a weapon to inflict any form of harm onto other players without any sort of reason, This rule is extremely important for the success of RPUK as without people would be ramming each other like crazy and would create shit RP.

G1.2 - Random deathmatch or RDM for short, is the act of inflicting harm onto another player/s without any reasoning. this rule also covers "countdowns", for example " put your hands up , 5,4,3,2,1 " is forbidden. You must create a fun/interesting scenario before actually causing harm to a player. This rule is equally as important as G1.1 and without RP in RPUK would not exist, it ensures that a fun situation plays out before someone is harmed.

Hope your doing well Liam, ill say it again i am taking this ban very seriously and i will continue to put great effort in to my apology to both you, the staff team and the RPUK community that before my ban i was thriving in.

Kind regards,



I would like to first thank you for answering Liam's questions, but I think we have heard this all before do you remember this:

It seems you are making your way through the rules and just breaking them and then finding yourself back here, and if it is not clear I am annoyed as I have given you the chance to learn but here we are again. There is a famous saying fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

So for me the only question I have is why should we even entertain this appeal?

Hi smurphy,

i would say happy to see you again but this is not the truth, I'm disappointed to be here again not only to myself but to you aswell. you gave me a chance and im back here.

However smurphy, I'm appealing as I believe my return from the ban that you have mentioned was strong. On returning i became the best Roleplayer i could, and the proof is set in concrete. From becoming a solicitor and getting involved in the law side of RPUK to having my crime ridden character who i was having  a blast RPing as with many great RP scenes between both characters.

The accident i take accountability and i would not lie. On the other hand, i do not believe i gave a countdown, what i said just does not match up with the definition of a countdown as seen here https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/countdown. i am willing to discuss this however.

The RVDM though i do take accountability for, its my fault. there not much i can say other than after being rammed during a robbery countless times i believed thats just how it goes, that no excuse though and i should of knew.

The admins came to the scene and we got a firm telling off and we apologies.

Smurphy i know u see people who say i wont do it again and then proceed to do it again, but i promise you the RP i was providing in to RPUK on my return last december was quality. I have never had so much fun on RPUK like i was on my return. And i believe if i get one more chance i will return flawless, no mistakes will be made again and i will continue my characters story's throughout the city 

Im asking for one last chance, i wouldn't bother if i didn't believe that i am worthy to be a member of RPUK. I am so confident in that i will never rulebreak again that if i were to make one more rulebreak i will agree that the door should be never opened for me again to appeal.

Have a good rest of your day smurphy and i look forward to talking to you, i am sorry

Kind regards,


@Mxtty1011Please do not insult my intelligence by linking me to the definition of a countdown, giving someone a time limit eg 5 seconds to comply is TERRIBLE RP.

It seems to me you are only happy to take accountability for half of the rule breaks, I gave you a chance its seems to have not settled in.

This appeal is going to be denied, you can appeal again on 10/04/23.

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