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Unban Appeal - Mxtty1011 - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Mxtty1011 

In-game Name: Rodrick West

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321573219

Ban ID: !!rpuk11209!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.1 , G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for RDM and RVDM.
RVDM is the act of using your vehicle as a weapon to inflict any form of harm onto other players without any sort of reason, This rule is extremely important for the success of RPUK as without people would be ramming each other like crazy and would create shit RP.
RDM is inflicting harm onto another player/s without any reasoning. this rule also covers "countdowns", for example " put your hands up , 5,4,3,2,1 " is forbidden. You must create a fun/interesting scenario before actually causing harm to a player. This rule is equally as important as G1.1 and without RP in RPUK would not exist, it ensures that a fun situation plays out before someone is harmed.

Why should we unban you ?: Well, Hi again papasmurphy (assuming you will take this appeal). Although i did send you a apology i would you like to start with another one.
I never meant to insult your intelligence i can assure you that, even though it did look like that i was just trying to argue my side of what a countdown was and definitely failed to do this properly. I was tired from work and the gym and never read back over my reply when i should of , i was just so eager to keep the convo going with you in hope to prove I'm worthy to be a member of the RPUK community that i still sent the message.

I hope the timing of this appeal shows my willingness to come back, i have been planning my response from my last appeal ready to prove to you i am worthy of a unban.

I believe i should be unbanned as i am so willing to return, and i will ensure that every move and word i will input into the RPUK community will be to a perfect standard. I love the community so much and my time away has dragged. Every single day i think about returning and im constantly watching vids and checking the forums, i regret my actions so much that day and im done arguing.

I am taking responsibility for all my actions, if a admin has banned me for them then their decision if final. There's nothing else i can do other than show my sincere apology to the admins and the community.
My mistakes were not intentional, it was a silly mistake from me and in the pressure of a robberly i slipped up and said the countdown words, it was poor RP that i regret i should of took my time and thought about what i was going to say before i said it but failed to do so. I have learned from this id rather take the situation slow from now and make sure RP is of quality instead of rushing it under pressure and making the same mistake.

If i were to return, like i previously said i would be happy to take it as my last chance and you can close the door if i was to ever be banned again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Welcome back to the appeals section @Mxtty1011

Have to admit I'm disappointed seeing you keep returning to this section after the chance I gave you back in August 2022. Why do you keep breaking the rules? As some of this appeal is things I've heard before when I give you said chance prior, So why should we give you another? 

Hi Stuart , hope all is well. 

I am too disappointed in myself for being back here, especially after the fun I was having at Christmas time on RPUK. I’ve let myself down and lost a community I was having so much fun on.

Before my ban I was providing quality rp , and there’s proof to back that up. On returning in December I made a promise to come back with a new mindset , I applied to be a solicitor, carried out good rp in the cells and built a good court case for someone, I also built a character ridden with crime who was starting to get known about the city. 

The day of my ban my intentions were pure, I was attempting to carry out quality roleplay in the form of robbing people. However in a panic of being in a busy area I slipped up and decided to just ram the taxi,  this was a silly mistake that I had no clue was rulebreak as people had done it to me loads ( not a excuse ). I then under pressure said the words of a countdown which I also regret and understand this was terrible RP.

Stuart , I know I’ve been here before, however after my return in December it’s clear I was trying my best. It was a silly mistake that I made and I can’t express my regret enough. So much so I’ve been constantly refreshing forums, watching loads of vids/streams on RPUK and talking to my friend in yakuzas who is saying he will try to get me in if I return.

I understand i basically have 1 chance left to appeal before the door closes here on RPUK , so I wouldn’t appeal if I don’t feel I am ready to return. 

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear back :) 

as people had done it to me loads
Just because someone else breaks a rule, does not mean it makes it okay for you yourself to break that rule. Roleplay must take place before ramming a vehicle in the same way it must take place before attacking a player.

What I want you to do @Mxtty1011is talk me through the situation that led to your ban, in detail, and explain then what you did wrong, and how you COULD have approached the situation differently to make it high quality and enjoyable for both sides.

Evening Siren 🙂 , 

I am aware that just because someone broke a rule means its not ok for me to do it, i wasn't trying to make a excuse and im sorry it has came across like that. Once again i take full responsibility for this.

The situation :

Me and my 2 friends were driving up to paleto bay in hopes to find some taxis to pull over and rob, on the way up we bumped into this guy and because we were desperate to get robbing and make some money in a panic i slammed my car into them to slow them down.

Once they had stopped i applied immediate pressure onto them to get out with their hands up, he didn't comply very will to this so i continued applying pressure in a panic to get his stuff and leave the situation as it was a busy highway.

after getting his stuff i then shot him dead, put him in my car and drove him to the beach where we then dumped his body. A couple staff were then called to the scene by him and dealt with the players concerns over the exploiting we done to get him into the water ( punching his body in ) and also the RVDM, they then told him if he believe it was RDM he can go to forums and file a report. We then went separate ways.

What i done wrong :

Firstly the ramming him to slow down thing was completely wrong, in no way shape or form is slamming a car into another one to get them to slow down good RP. Instead of doing this i should of attempted to chat to him to try and pull him over or baited him in some way, i shouldn't of used the force of my vehicle as it is unrealistic.

Next would be the countdown situation, i told him that he has 5 seconds to put his hand up or he was dead. Once again this is bad RP and a countdown shouldn't of been introduced by me. Instead i should of only threatened him, if he didn't comply with that then what would of been his fault and NVL and i wouldn't of been in the wrong.

Finally would of been the exploiting to sink his body underwater, although staff dealt with this i will take responsibility anyways. i shouldn't of exploited and should of used a different method to sink him ( EG in a local car and drive it into water ).

Thanks so much for your response Siren and i hope to hear back soon,

Have a good rest of your weekend,


@Mxtty1011I appreciate the effort you have put into your response.

However, I want you to tell me HOW you COULD have made this situation more enjoyable for both parties. We both know being on the receiving end of being robbed is never much fun however you as the ROBBER should be doing what you can to make it enjoyable for the other side too.

Remember this is a game and everyone is here to have fun.

I agree,

To make a robbing situation more entertaining next time Siren i would do a few things,

Firstly i would make the situation last longer, by asking more questions and dragging the RP out. Making the situation not just about robbing and gaining items but about making a situation that provides a excited atmosphere.

Aswell as this my language used would be more realistic, not the common " put your hands up and drop your items " but more of a realistic approach that has more character to it.

Thanks for the fast response 🙂 


Making the situation not just about robbing and gaining items but about making a situation that provides a excited atmosphere.
Exactly, overall you need to remember the purpose of the server is not to min max your profits etc. You should be here for the roleplay.

Aswell as this my language used would be more realistic, not the common " put your hands up and drop your items " but more of a realistic approach that has more character to it.
What language would you use instead then? Give me an example.

Lastly, quote me the rules you have broken, explain them in your own words and tell me why you think they are rules on the server.

Hi again Siren ! i cant thank you enough for your reply so fast 🙂

An example of language i would use instead would be something more related to the situation at hand, for example " listen here, im going to need you to put your hands up for me "

"Now listen to me, if you dont want your head to be blown to pieces comply with me , raise your hands and surrender"

I was banned for RDM and RVDM.

G1.1 - RVDM is the act of using your vehicle as a weapon to inflict any form of harm onto other players without any sort of reason, This rule is extremely important for the success of RPUK as without people would be ramming each other like crazy and would create shit RP.

G1.2 - RDM is inflicting harm onto another player/s without any reasoning. this rule also covers "countdowns", for example " put your hands up , 5,4,3,2,1 " is forbidden. You must create a fun/interesting scenario before actually causing harm to a player. This rule is equally as important as G1.1 and without RP in RPUK would not exist, it ensures that a fun situation plays out before someone is harmed.

Okay, moving on from this, you dont exactly have the cleanest record on here do you? Lets talk about your previous bans.

C2.2 ban on 05/04/22

C2.3 ban on 21/06/22

G2.4 ban on 23/09/22

All in which you had to appeal.

Now im sensing a pattern here that you are someone who doesn't learn from their mistakes.

Tell me why I should give you another chance on the server given your immense record of bans? How can i be sure I wont see you back here again in a few months?

Now ill hold my hands up, ive made mistakes in the past yes.

However i took a rather large break away from pc and returned last december in a new mindset.

On my return i was a whole new person, i became a solicitor and tried my very hardest  in all aspects of RPUK.

I made a silly mistake siren that i regret so much, my time on RP was so good i was making so many friends and providing quality RP.

I understand i have basically one more chance to appeal here, therefore i pledge nothing but quality RP from here on and if i were to make another mistake i believe i deserve the door closed to ever appealing back here on RP.

Many thanks

Okay @Mxtty1011

I am willing to give you one final chance.

A golden ticket we shall say.

I will unban you today, however if you find yourself back here again within the next 6 months you will not find it easy to be unbanned.

Don't let me down.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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