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Unban Appeal - Mxtty1011 - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Mxtty1011 

In-game Name: Rodrick West

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321573219

Ban ID: !!rpuk13130!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for logging off mid roleplay scene, banned for c2.3

Why should we unban you ?: Ill start with I said I wouldn't appeal again after my last unban, however I'm writing this to show my side of what happened as I feel it was definitely unfair and some consideration and sympathy needs to be taken especially when it comes to issues where irl life collides with RP.

Backstory ( as I feel it is needed ) : APOLOGIES IF HOLES IN STORY, IT WAS A WHILE AGO
I was playing with my friend and we were just going around one night having fun and getting into a few fights with people who started on us, I felt disrespected by some lass on the hospital bed while waiting for my mate to get his treatment, so I /e shit on her. we then got chased down by her friends and we were both killed.
My friend got revived or something I cant remember and he came off as it was late, I stayed about on top of a car park and waited my bleed out timer to come off that night. I heard footsteps and moaned out in pain and he came and found me by some miracle. He took me to the hospital beds, cool now I will just wait my treatment timer and log !

However once I stood up I went and walked outside pillbox had a joke with a random guy where we traded punches as just a bit of banter and laughed, I then stood still for a couple mins while I just chilled and cleaned my room up, made my bed and all that stuff. Out of no where I get jumped with no rp behind it , this was the kids who just tried killing me before I was found.
Obviously they were salty and tried hinting I meta gamed to be found when in reality it just sounded so obvious and OOC, they punched me down without even hitting the talk button, stuffed me in a car and drove off.
Now my night on rp has been dragged out for about 45 mins already OUT OF MY CONTROL, I cant prevent them rdming me outside of pillbox right after treatment. I tell them in ooc about 15 times its really late I have work in the morning can we speed it up, they react to this by driving super slowly and asking me to sing and stuff. I'm so frustrated by this point, why cant they just respect my request to speed dumping me in water as I need to go ?! .
After more and more requests via ooc that I HAVE to go I eventually just hit alt f4 and went to bed. in a angry manor I tried getting the guys attention in discord and expressed my anger and why I had to go.

I HAD to go, I have work at 7 am mon-fri and it was nearly 1am, I have already been told off for being late to work and I was in a state of panic that night as my time was just going fast and it was getting later and later out of my control. yes I could of logged right after getting out of the hospital bed, however I was on my last chance so every night before I logged I would always just stand on a block for like 5 mins before going just to avoid a combat log in case someone was chasing me down without me knowing.

I also opened a discord ticket and explained everything which lasted about 3 hours, however the outcome was that I have to appeal it here. and its took me a long time to write this as I'm very busy these days and only get 2 hours between work and gym every night and the weekends I'm with my gf. Hence I'm writing this on a bank holiday.

Let me know if I missed any details, Thanks.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Mxtty1011

Don't you think that you've ended up in this section of the forums a few too many times?

To quote staff from your most recently accepted appeal "I am willing to give you one final chance. A golden ticket we shall say."

Why would I let you back on the server when you clearly can't play within the server rules?

Hi Mystix, 

Im well aware of this mystix, however i NEEDED to go that night. i evaluated the risk of getting banned and getting too little sleep and risking being late for my job the next day. 

I done everything i could in my power to let them know my situation and desperation to go, They seen this in OOC and deliberately dragged out RP which then just infuriated me even more. I really needed to go that night, my time on the server was already extended ridiculous amounts by things out of my control which i did wait out and let happen, but when its past midnight and I've got 4 people driving me at 10 mph and begging me to sing i really couldn't wait.

I cant explain it anymore than i have, there's nothing else to say other than i had a IRL problem going on which caused me to have to leave the server. Like i said i judged my situation on the server and decided by this point in the night and no sign of these guys dumping me i just had to leave and get to sleep. I HAVE to put my irl life, job and career before 4 guys singing and dragging RP out just to wind me up.

Hope to hear back.

How long did the situation go on before you logged off?

my rough estimate was about 20 mins. i told them about 5 mins in and they dragged it for ages after that.

Before this, the unfortunate/fortunate event of me being somehow found while on a rooftop bleeding out also inevitably extended my night on the server by another good 40 mins.

all these events including the pretty much RDM by the guys chasing me ( as they killed me right off the bed after just putting me on it, right outside pillbox) made me judge that it was taking too long and i had to put my job and wellbeing of the next morning in front of RP.

Thanks for the quick reply mate, have a good night 🙂 .

Just so we have a clear timeline for this please give me a more detailed description of how it all went down. Including the situation before the one you logged out in the middle of.
And include as much detail as you can as that will only increase your chances of a successful appeal.

I might be a few mins out on things as it was a bit of time ago but I will try. 

10:30 - i initiate some rp with a gang of people with my friend and I get in an argument with the gang and I am rightfully killed, I am then taken to a rooftop and made to sing and then they leave me to bleed out 

11:25 -I am miraculously found by a guy walking past and he takes me to the hospital , this was the first unfortunate event that extended my night on the server

11:35 - I begin treatment 

11:50 -stand up out of the bed and walk outside the hospital, here I then just chill for a few mins while I made my bed and things just to make sure I didn’t combat log anything.

11:55 - out of no where the guys who just killed me jump me again and kill me , then instantly stuff me in a boot and drive off. This then just extended my night by amounts that I judged would affect my irl wellbeing the next day and potentially my time I clock into work

00:05 I then let them know via ooc that it’s getting late and I must go to bed at this point , and if they could speed the rp situation up 

{time goes on as im in the back of their car and they are dragging rp out deliberately after seeing my request} 

00:25- im extremely desperate to go now and they are showing no signs of speeding things up , I request more and more in ooc before eventually leave the server and go to bed.

once again thanks for the quick reply, I’m currently on the train into work so apologies for spelling mistakes. 
hope to hear back , thanks 

Alright as much as I can understand the position you were in you still decided to disconnect from the server with 4 minutes until you could respawn.
That along with your previous bans and your staff ticket, I do not feel comfortable unbanning you at this point.

I will give you 1 month cooldown before you can appeal again.


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