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Unban Appeal - Mxtty1011 - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Mxtty1011 

In-game Name: Rodrick West

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321573219

Ban ID: !!rpuk13130!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for combat logging, meaning i left the server in the middle of a RP scene

Why should we unban you ?: Hi,
Im excited to be appealing again to further showcase my reasoning for the night where i committed the rule break, and i hope the timing of this re-appeal shows my desperation to continue the conversation we were having.

Yes, i know i had 4 mins left till i could bleed however in the moment and panic that my night had already been extended heavily out of my control i didn't look or acknowledge that, to be honest it didn't even feel anywhere near the whole bleed out timer. I simply left due to a decision that i spent nearly the whole bleed out timer making, i believed that i had a IRL issue occurring at the time of the guys deliberately dragging out rp and my response was i had to go. I do kick myself about the 4 min timer, what if i just did realise that, but at the same time i know i had to make a decision and i knew i needed to go, i dont know if they would continue to drag it or just let me bleed out.

I could understand such a firm ban if i quit without saying anything, however in this case you can clearly see my countless attempts to somewhat see to my IRL need without causing confusion for the guys messing with me, i tried and i tried to explain my situation and for some reason they didn't understand it hence the ban.

Yes I've made mistakes due to my anger and stupidity on this server, but i genuinely believe in this case i was torn in a IRL situation with factors like panic, stress and tiredness all adding to the mix which led me to make the decision that i had to go that night.
And I'm not going to lie to you guys here, it wont help my situation, but i don't believe i should be perm banned for a issue of this kind, I've took plenty time away since my ban and im better with my timekeeping now although with that said i don't think that would of helped me that night as they RDMed me.
I hope to hear back guys,
Many thanks.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

but i don't believe i should be perm banned for a issue of this kind,
You think that you, a player now on his 5th ban, should have received, what, a 7 day ban for combat logging?

Not by any means , I apologies that it’s came across that way.

what I did mean by that is, I don’t believe that my time on RPUK should be permanently stopped and never let to play again. Before I got banned I was contributing a lot to the community and really trying my hardest to give the best rp. That night clearly wasn’t a rage quit due to my efforts being shown in chat and my clear worry after wards hence the staff ticket trying to explain what had happened. That night I had a IRL issue that I evaluated over a decent period of time as more important than some guys dragging rp out , as previously said stress and pressure was a large factor in my situation and I really needed to go .

therefore I believe yes I should of received a punishment like I have up to this point , but to be removed from the sever for good I believe is not justified, I hope you can understand the panic and stress I was in and understand why I believed I needed to go that moment. 

kind regards 

but to be removed from the sever for good I believe is not justified
This is your fifth ban on this community, second time banned for C2.3.

You stated when you were banned, that you were RDM'd thus meaning you could Combat Log. Given your history, you knew this not to be true. Wouldn't it have been easier to wait the 4 minutes then respawn?

Furthermore, you aren't entitled to play here. You don't have the right to play here. If you fail to roleplay properly, and in line with the rules. We can remove you at any given time.

Yes I've made mistakes due to my anger and stupidity on this server
This is the second time I've saw/heard this from you. Is this going to be a habit? Is this going to be something that happens 24/7? Are you going to be put at a disadvantage, so you think fuck it, and break rules yourself?

Why should we keep entertaining this, if you simply cannot abide by the rules and play the server like everyone else.

Hi Liam, thanks so much for the reply.

i hate to sound like the boy that cried wolf here Liam, and i understand your frustration due to you giving me a few chances over the past 2 years on the server because i have dissapointed you and other staff 5 times now.

However, i beg that when i say i needed to go that night and my reasoning behind it that it is all taken with some consideration. I was in such a rush that night with stress at a high that without looking at the bleedout timer i just made the decision to go to bed.

Now i am nearly 20 now Liam, when i first started playing here i was barely 18. In the time ive grew up massively to the point where i work full time, my general life decisions have got alot better and i think before i do things now. With that said my previous bans showcase my immaturity with silly things like rage quitting when some guy found me on the beach and moving money between characters trying to make millions in the casino. With that said this ban i was clearly in a panic about my IRL problem, yes i should of waited the 4 min timer and i have been kicking myself for that since i found out,  but i was super stressed about work the next day and i tried everything i could to just go without them being confused on where i went.

I cant stress how sorry i am, i really love this server and im so frustrated that im banned again, when my appeal got denied previously my heart sank i lost alot of hope to ever come back. the server really means alot to me as i have loads of friends through the server and nights of crying laughing with my friends.

Ill finsh with a sincere apology for that nights actions, i was extremely stressed but i do believe now is the time to take full responsibility for my actions. If i calmed down and read the timer i wouldnt of been sat here typing this, i would of waited it if i seen it and i need to stop saying " i needed to go" because realistically the 4 mins wouldnt of made a difference.

Have a good friday night and a mint weekend, hope to hear back 🙂



Hello I have a couple of simple questions for you, and please do not lie.

1st - What age were you when you started playing this server?

2nd - If you had work in the morning, why would you get yourself into a situation that could potentially last a while?

As to me it would have been more responsible to not and log off to get the sleep you needed, as it seems to me, that lack of sleep for you, ends up in you been tired and then breaking rules.

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Hi smurphy I hope all is well,

when I first started on this server I was 18 and 2 months old to be exact. My birthday is **removed** and I started here February 2022. *Correct me if I’m wrong * but that’s me being honest 

To answer your second question I’ll answer honestly. Yes i have to take responsibility as I was on at that time of night, however my time on the server that night was extended alot out of my control. From the start of where I was first killed , just when I was about to bleed out a guy randomly stumbled on my dead body and I decided to let him revive me as I wanted to keep my items and memory of how I was injured for further rp. Then just as I got out the hospital bed the same guys that originally killed me assumed i meta gamed to get revived and decided to kill me right off the bed outside the hospital front doors.

like I said initially I should of known that rp can sometimes be extended out of control  like that night, but I never expected to that extent. Looking back now if I really needed to go I should of just let myself bleed out when I first got found.

have a good rest of your weekend mate, hope to hear back 🙂

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having had a look at your previous appeals in regards to this ban, and your history, the quote ''Don't you think that you've ended up in this section of the forums a few too many times?'' seems appropriate. So I'll be honest with you @Mxtty1011as a player here your record is one of a repeat rule breaker and not someone whose intentions are to provide serious and quality RP to our community.

I appreciate that you seem to be honest this time around but how are you going to change this profile you've created for yourself?

Hi @L1Lhows it going, 

I know of this and it’s got me genuinely stressed becuase I want to return to RPUK so badly but I know how badly my history looks on the sever. 

I can’t make an excuse for it but what I can do is explain how I have changed and how I am ready to come back.

My intentions are to provide quality RP and situations while playing RP, however in the past I’ve made silly immature mistakes. My maturity has grew massive a over my time playing RPUK, when I first started I was failing my A levels and never thought before doing something on the server. And I’ll admit back then I was on just to mess around and not really strictly follow rules , however at this point I’m working full time and the few hours I get free on a night I genuinely want to spend trying my very hardest and provide great RP.

During my time on the server it seems like I’m a baldy running round with a knife and crashing into people at first glance of my bans. However I have tried very hard RPing on RPUK , from gang beefs to being a solicitor.

I’ve made clear and silly mistakes on the server, but I promise to you I am dying to just prove that I’m not the same guy as I was when I stabbed a cop and got banned and the same guy that combat logged coz some guys found me dumping their friend in the sea. 

before my recent ban I was creating great RP , me and a couple friends started up a pink panther gang and I was on day after day having fun and having gang beefs.

I’ll finish with that I can promise you if I were to get given a chance then I will never go back to the old rule breaking version of myself like I was a year ago. I wilL provide nothing but quality RP and now log off PLENTY time before bed, I learned my lesson that night .

have a good day mate , apologies if spelling mistakes I’m on my lunch break 🙂

Good afternoon @Mxtty1011!

I've reviewed all of your appeals so far, including this one (Obviously). It seems that you are wanting to return to the server and make a difference, I just hope that you stick to your word with these promises you've made.
As mentioned, you're a consistent rule breaker and have a worse record than other players which have been here many more years than you.

I am willing to give you another chance on the server, to prove yourself one last time. 
Please realise how lucky you are to have us entertain another appeal from you, and accept it. We are willing to let you prove yourself so please do not screw it up and throw the chance back in our faces.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent ban, this will also come with an automatic 3 month cooldown before you can appeal.
If you then do appeal, the chances we will even want to look at it will be minimal.

Please, please sharpen up on the rules and make sure you come back with the highest quality roleplay you can provide here.
We do not want to see you continuously popping up for rule breaks.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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