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Unban Appeal - Mxtty1011 - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Mxtty1011 

In-game Name: Matty Ford

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198321573219

Ban ID: !!rpuk14583!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.14 , G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I RDMed someone inside a gas station for not complying, with this i carried no RP behind my actions.
I was also banned for rule quoting/threatening to report someone, which was OOC

Why should we unban you ?: I am going to start with a back story of why i was reporting so many people, and what caused my RP to depreciate so low to the point where i was banned.

Me and my friends formed a sort of gang together to become well known in the city, we needed funds so we made a shop by coalition hill our territory and robbed many drug dealers for their drugs and cash. We done so for a long time, however despite a few players actually roleplaying it how they were supposed to, the majority of them rule broke and either NVLed or meta gamed which led to loss of time and our cover. This went on for a long time, having players ruin the RP nearly every single time which caused me to get more angry at the game and players, therefore my first plan of action was to start reporting the players which i done ALOT as i knew this was the correct way of dealing with it, not letting my frustration get the best of me.
My anger was growing and therefore i lost my quality of roleplay, as we never got the situation we were hoping for out of players.
With our victims we tried tieing gang members up and had plans to extort them for information of movements of drugs from the island so we could intercept, this worked sometimes but like i said the majority of the time many players sadly play to win and when faced with an opportunity that could cost them all their cash and drugs they instead either hit radio and give comms to their gang or just run away.
I ended up reporting every single rulebreak a potential robbery victim committed, and near the end of my time i was just frustrated of people not complying, that is my reasoning for why i ended up just punching the guy as he bragged that he had already banked his cash in the ATM.

The reports i had up were not the worst of it, i didn't have a clipping soft ware installed until it really started annoying me, explaining why some of my reports were not large rule breaks and more just a sign of my anger to the little things that players were doing in robbery situations. I am not saying all reports i made were insufficient evidence of a rule break, some of them were plain and obvious.

Looking back after 3 months of being banned, the plan me and my friends was a recipe for disaster, constantly robbing people on the server was 1 - not going to actually work in the long run due to people finding out who we were and 2 - with the anger and frustration building up in me was always going to end with me losing my temper. What I should of done was announce a different idea to my friends to mix it up and take the focus away from robbing people in a gas station when i started to realise my will to RP and quality of RP was dropping dramatically, instead i was just disappointed with players not doing what the server is all about and didn't have any second thoughts about mixing it up, i just followed what my friends were doing . I am not blaming it on my friends actions, i was assigned as the team leader, i just edned up taking a back seat and we went directionless into meeting at the gas station to rob people.

As for the rule quoting/report threats/ooc, i believe it is tied into the reason i RDMed. My will to just RP things out disappeared and eventually when someone started NVLing i do admit i tried subtly quoting rules and hints that i would report in a desperate effort just to get them to comply and give me the situation i wanted.

I know I've been banned a lot, however i still have a chance here if i can still appeal. i have waited 3 months to write this and in my opinion had plenty time to reflect.
On my previous return i tried to be a gang leader, leading a large group of friends to make a large gang named pink panthers, however its clear i am not a good leader as shown by my repetitive robbery strategy, So from that i have learned i wont try it again.
And i truly believe my intentions were clearly to have fun and make RPUK a better place, that is up to the point where i lost my temper and my will to RP. I can back that up by the fact i began by reporting every player i came across that i was convinced was breaking rules, and i made sure to put plenty effort into the reports. I also managed to form a solid group of lads and for the most part we did provide good RP to poeple we robbed, this involved tieing them up and taking them far away to get information out of them about their friends and trying to set up their gang members for other robberies.

I have slight hopes of anyone even looking at this never mind reading this far , but i do have another chance to appeal so i thought i would give my perspective and my apologies to anyone who was affected by my temper and poor RP.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Mxtty1011

I hope you are well today 🙂 

You were last unbanned on 12/10/2023 and then banned again 30/10/2023, you say you broke a rule due to being frustrated/angry at the rule breaks going on around you, how do we know this won't happen again? You have admitted that you knew the best course of action to go down but within the same month of being unbanned you were banned again. No body else made you break any rules, that was entirely yourself and just because someone else has broken a rule it does not mean you should lower your standard. Let's look at your time on the server since that last unban? 

Warning - 24/10/2023 - G2.3  
Warning - 27/10/2023 - G4.4 
Kicked - 27/10/2023 - G6

Baring in mind that what was listed above happened within 12 days of your last appeal and your most recent ban. AND you also having another account that you have managed to stack up 9 warnings and 5 bans. Including all of the above and how quickly you were to get yourself banned again, please tell me why I should entertain this appeal? You have clearly not been learning from your past mistakes so why should you been given another chance for it to be thrown back in to our faces? 

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Evening, cheers for the quick reply.

No, no one did make me break rules, but i had a bit of time off work and i was playing non stop, therefore as we done consistent robberies it felt like that's all my time was spent doing. And when every single time would end in us chasing him down the road after he ran away it really began making me loosing will to play and RP.

I know i had the right course of action firstly, and i should of stuck to that and waited to watch the poeple that did role break banned. However i showed clear desperation to get them punished and when it wasn't happening instantly ( which im not complaining about, you guys have plenty to do ) i just took matters into my own hands which resulted me in losing my temper at a guy sniggering that he banked cash and killing him (RDM).

Its vital that i don't try and balance his rule break with mine, 2 wrongs don't make a right and i know i would of felt much more satisfaction by just watching you guys take care of my reports.

I cant put into words the anger and disappointment i felt that night towards myself, i remember winning some money in the casino then taking a 15 min break and when i came back i was banned. I couldn't believe i had fucked it up again so fast this time and i instantly knew why before i even went on forums. 

Ill finish with that during the time i played i also introduced a friend to the server, he is called Frank McNibbles and he grew a rep for being a troll. I shouldn't of played with him or let him influence me but i do believe it is a factor why i was so unserious about quality RP near the end. Yes its my fault and i should of noticed this and kept my roleplay away from him, but i was foolish and didn't think i would fuck up so fast, i was clearly wrong.

Like i said i have slim chances and i don't have much hope. But i know you guys put endless effort and consideration into appeals despite who the player is. If i were to return i would keep my group small again with the one friend who got me on the server over 2 years ago, i wouldn't look to start a group again and would just play for fun in RP and not give a fuck about the race to make money or rob players.

Have a good rest of your week 

Good morning @Mxtty1011

You are correct in that we put a lot of effort in to these appeals, we take time out of our day listening and wanting to give another chance to people. We do like to believe people can change and learn from mistakes you seem to be having trouble learning from your mistakes a total of 11 warnings and 6 bans. 

I appreciate that you waited the 3 months (as the per the conditions on your last ban) but it is clear that something needs to change. Due to the above the door will remain closed here for a while longer. You can appeal again 03/06/2024


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