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Unban Appeal - Nick Duncan - GTA RP

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Nick Duncan

united kingdom
Unban Appeal for Nick Duncan 

In-game Name: Nick Duncan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198029353669

Ban ID: !!rpuk9860!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was dumped and I combat logged because I was frustrated

Why should we unban you ?: I was banned a few months ago for logging out when I was dead. I got shot after an argument with someone and logged out when they dumped and left me. I felt like it was a shit situation and I needed a break and didn't think logging out then would be a problem because they had left me. When I logged out I realised I should probably go back in and wait my timer and then log out to take my break. When I logged back in I was tp'd to a roof and banned. I get why the rule is in place and understand it's a bad rule to break. I didn't mean to ruin any situation or get an advantage I just wasn't thinking straight.

My roleplay overall is good and I'd like the chance to come back and continue showing good roleplay. I have roleplay stories I would like to continue and new ones I'd like the chance to make and take part in. Many of my friends still play the server and if given another chance I would not ruin it by doing stupid things. During my few months away I have recognised that I was in the wrong in this situation. At first I thought I was being treated harshly but now I understand that the rule and punishment need to be in place.

In future if I was given another chance I would not do the same again. It was stupid and not how I want to be when on the server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You mentioned it was a bad situation, Since you we're dumped at the time why not simply walk away from your computer for a few minutes if it was that bad and simply respawn when you had the option over logging out? 

Now looking into you not doing stupid things in your own words, This is overall your fifth ban from the server. Why do you keep breaking our rules ? Also have you ever combat logged before? 

I understand and looking back I should have done exactly what you said. I was frustrated about a roleplay story that had happened not long before and then I get into another situation that only ended up annoying me more. I logged off after being dumped and very quickly I realised I was being silly so I logged back in.

When I first joined the server I was completely new to roleplay, I'd never done it before and had no experience at all. I was naive and ignorant. I broke a lot of server rules when I joined based on that. I was punished a lot around the same time as I was learning and I think you might be able to see the gradual decrease in punishments as I got more experience. I'm still learning and I don't know everything yet but I am trying. I want people to have a good time when they interact with me.

I have combat logged before, I thought it was ok to log out when an RP situation was over, I also did it inside a hospital when I was dead and I didn't think it was bad until a friend told me it was.

In this situation I am in the wrong and I admit that. I knew it was wrong and I did it out of frustration, I tried to fix my mistake but I had already done it. I take responsibility for my actions and can only apologise and ask for understanding.

Indeed you have combat logged before, Now most of the time they we're minutes after being downed when another player downed yourself. This is a pattern overall and not a very good one. So how can we be sure you will simply follow the rules should we give you another chance? 

Did you not read the rules prior to your friend telling you this? If not can you explain why? 

When you are playing, Do situations you get into normally make you frustrated, If not why was this situation any different?

Appeal timed out.

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