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Unban Appeal - Oliver Sedgers - GTA RP

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Oliver Sedgers

New member
United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for Oliver Sedgers 

In-game Name: Oliver Sedgers

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198163930667

Ban ID: 13774

Reason given for your ban: Combat Log

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I logged from an active roleplay scenario where I could have just stayed in game for a few more minutes to avoid being banned.

Why should we unban you ?: I did not realise that leaving the server when you are already dead is considered Combat Logging and I would not know because I have not been banned for it in the Three Years I have been playing the server. I am sorry that I have done this and I now know not to leave because it is classed as an "Active RP Situation". My bad it wont happen again :).

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @Oliver Sedgers,

I did not realise that leaving the server when you are already dead is considered Combat Logging and I would not know because I have not been banned for it in the Three Years I have been playing the server.
So, are you telling me that you've not read the rules prior to playing on the server? 
Why has it taken for you to receive a permanent ban to then be interested in reading the rules. 

Good evening @Oliver Sedgers,

So, are you telling me that you've not read the rules prior to playing on the server? 
Why has it taken for you to receive a permanent ban to then be interested in reading the rules. 
Played years worth of RP games including GMOD where I was Admin+ across many servers and Combat Logging when you were dead was not one of the rules ever stated nor thought about in any situation before. Your server on the other hand is different and uses more in-depth rules. Its not that I did not read them its that in the time I had been playing I never ran into a situation where I had to leave so abruptly nor did I know what should be done to avoid a permanant ban for leaving during RP. Since your last comment on my last appeal I now realise what I have to do in this Server and Situation.

Hi @Oliver Sedgers,

Thank you for clearing that up, my concern now is the following:

Does this mean that you'll not be aware of other rules until you receive a ban for it? 
I haven't been banned in the time I have been playing up until now, Obviously I have mostly all the understanding of the rules to not be banned in a week. To answer your question, No that is not the case.

Hello there @Oliver Sedgers
I see this is your first ban, a very clear account...is this a path you will follow and we will see each other here again in the future? 
Or is this a bad situation, you messed up, won't happen again? 

In your next reply, also please mention 
- The rule you broke
- Highlight the part(s) where you broke them
- Explain why we have it and why it's necessary in a roleplaying community
- What would you do if you were placed in that situation again 

Hello there @Oliver Sedgers
I see this is your first ban, a very clear account...is this a path you will follow and we will see each other here again in the future? 
Or is this a bad situation, you messed up, won't happen again? 

In your next reply, also please mention 
- The rule you broke
- Highlight the part(s) where you broke them
- Explain why we have it and why it's necessary in a roleplaying community
- What would you do if you were placed in that situation again 
Hello Mike,

No this won’t happen again, this was just a case of I was in a rush and I didn’t know I couldn’t leave until I had respawned fully, simple misunderstanding that went too far that could have been sorted with a message on Discord that I had Combat Logged and needed to complete RP before leaving although I thought it was done.

I understand that in this situation there is still roleplay to be had during a downed situation as well as RP being on in all situations and next time I wouldn’t leave while I am downed and waiting to respawn.

Hello @Oliver Sedgers
You forgot to mention these two; 
- The rule you broke
- Highlight the part(s) where you broke them

If you had to log off the game while in RP / Dead in the future, walk me through at least two ways of going about it and being allowed to leave. 

Hello @Oliver Sedgers
You forgot to mention these two; 
- The rule you broke
- Highlight the part(s) where you broke them

If you had to log off the game while in RP / Dead in the future, walk me through at least two ways of going about it and being allowed to leave. 
Alright Mike,

Plain and Simple, The rule I broke was stated as rule 2.3 which is Roleplay Everything and the reason was Combat Logging. In the clip provided by Steven Stacy I was not Rp'ing at the time because the police were not responding to reports and calls (Multiple) but whats new and because of the Fail Rp and such that I received from the same players I could not be bothered and had to leave. In future events I would have simply allowed the RP to finish before I attended my urgent matter at hand or I would contact an Admin or someone with authority to allow me to leave the current active RP situation that I was in thus not receiving a future ban and having to waste my time as well as others time because of a silly mistake.

La Vie Indaba Head Of Security, Oliver Sedgers.

Hello there. 
I'm glad to hear you know the error of your ways.
As stated by you, contacting admins to be allowed to leave your current RP.
Making a ticket, explain your situation, make staff aware either in OOC or said ticket, be granted a permission to basically leave, after all we all have a life outside of this and sometimes emergencies happen as well, no one can control that after all. 

I will give you a second chance, given your clear record I am more than happy to give you said chance. 
Keep in mind any ban for the next 6 months will automatically come with a permanent ban. 

Welcome back, I do hope we won't see each-other here again and you keep to your high quality rp. ^^

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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