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Unban Appeal - Omar Ahmad - GTA RP

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Jay Jay

The Gallery
Unban Appeal for Omar Ahmad 

In-game Name: Luca Toni

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199187423821

Ban ID: !!rpuk6294!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: My banned based on G9.2 which is transfer money between characters.
I have only 2 characters Luca Toni and Omar Ahmad , Luca Toni is my main character and Omar Ahmad is my police character which i only use to play as a cop.
For my last 4 month i never transfer money or items between characters and i dont own any items i can really transfer.
All Luca Toni money come from Fishing Mainly and Gambling and i never ever transfer anything between my characters. However i do give people alot of money , i take loans and i pay with interest , i give people money without a reason only because i like them but all of this happened to Luca Toni and never involved my other character to this.

Why should we unban you ?: From day 1 i stick to rules and i tried my best to be in high level of RP , Worked really hard to be where am i right now , i have 0 report and i never break any rules to this server even if there is something im not sure if its allowed or not i just leave it in case its against the rules , Never have problem even small problem with anyone , try to be in high level of RP all the time even if im alone i use emotions to do good RP in case someone watching me. Spend hours and hours working to be in good position, Always help people even if i dont know them. Im trying my best to give the server everything i have. 

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Charles thank you for your respond.

After a lot of thinking I remember 2 incident can get me this ban.

One of my friends asked me for 200 or 300k to buy a new car and I gave him the money, he told me he will pay in 3-4 days but I really didn't care if he is paying me back or not. After a week or so I met his other character as I was doing some taxi and we talk about work and money then he offer me 90k to help me out, but to be honest I didn't care about that 90k because I had around 9-10mill and I wanted to done with this guy  , its not an excuse to take the money because now I can see the big picture which I didn't see before, No matter what's the situation I had to think twice before doing any transaction. It was a mistake and I should know better. 

This server is my first RP experience and when I join RPUK it was hard for me as a new player to figure out things, My irl friend introduce me to this server and he told me all things and what to do and to be honest I trusted him because he was in this server months before me. as every new player I had a plan to do and dreams to make so i spent all my time trying to get some money. at this point I gave the rules quick read but I didn't pay much attention because I play with my friend all the time and we actually didn't break rules at that point. Even so I did understand most of the rules It was a mistake not to read the rules carefully and understand all of it.

We bought a house and he stop playing everyday so all the money we get was on my bank account in case i found a house to buy or a good deal. One day after people whos not active lost their houses my friend got money from me to buy a house to sell later for some profit and at this point he told me this idea to give my other character some money to have a house and may sell later. I was stupid enough to do it but I didn't thought it was against the rule , Again not an excuse and it was 100% my fault. 

At this point I applied to police and I gave the server a lot of my time I started read all rules ( Game and Community ) and it become a huge part of my life and since that day I tried my best to be a good players , met a lot of people and start building my character reputation and learned a lot of things  in the server.

As of my mistakes , I take full responsible for these mistakes but you should know I had no intention to break any rules its my stupidity not to fully understand the rules lead me to these mistakes as a was new to this server and these RP experience. 

But from that time (3-4months) I 100% stick to the rules , I play 4-6 hours daily and interact with a lot of people and still managed to get 0 reports on my main character and my police characters.

When I wrote my appeal I totally forget about that incident because it was almost 4-5 month ago. I'm sorry about that i didn't try to be smart at all.

This is me 100% honest with you hopping you can give me another chance and I promise I will prove you I deserve it.

@Omar AhmadIt is a big risk you took doing this, and it's caught up with you. You transferred £325k a couple of months back from one of your characters to your main character using a middle man. With a character like yours having a substantial amount of money already, why take the risk?

@George HarrisThank you for your reply.

I'm very sorry for breaking  rule ( G2.9 ) couple months ago by transferring the money between my characters. and to answer your question " Why take the risk " there is no answer will make what I did look better and I clearly understand how that effect the server.

What I did was wrong and I take full responsibility for it , When my friend came with this idea of transferring money couple month ago I wasn't thinking like today. See in last 2-3 months I gave this server a lot of time  and I can say it take a huge part of my life between the time I work and the time I spend with my family its the most time I enjoy my day when I'm in the city. I'm banned now and to be honest I saw what I can lose and what I put myself in, It is terrifying right now because I can lose everything I enjoy and built last 4 months , even the time I'm spending away from the server its not easy I cant fill it with anything else maybe 8-9 days isn't long for some people but for me its VERY long and all the time I think about what I did and how I wish to go back and un do it.

I cant change the past and this mistake will stick with me forever , but  I fully understand every single rule and I read ( GTA Rp and Community ) rules several times and I can promise you if you give me another chance that you will never see me in here again and you will not regret it.

When I wrote my appeal I totally forget about that incident because it was almost 4-5 month ago.
Now it wasn't that long ago was it. You had your chance to come clean from the start but went with the story of not doing anything until further questioned on what you did. At that time you then decided to give us some truth but not them all. Saying it happened 4/5 months ago isn't true. You broke the rules and will now face the full consequences.

You can appeal in 6 months.


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