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Unban Appeal - Ozkii - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Ozkii 

In-game Name: Dave Davidson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198404209024

Ban ID: !!rpuk11013!!

Reason given for your ban: Exploiting and RDM

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Here is the report where I was banned : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/143428-report-a-player-dave-davidson-489-gta-rp/#comment-817358

Exploiting - I ragdolled through the walls of the cell

RDM - After I got out of the cell I attacked the police officer

Why should we unban you ?: Before I got banned I had made a new character in which I had a really immersive storyline in. This character had a lot of connections with other people in the city and I was eventually going to use her as my main character instead of Dave Davidson. I know I have a history of bans but I have matured since then and I with the experience I have had after putting more hours in to the RP community I know understand it better and I can understand how I ruined the experience for others and ruined their immersion. I wish to get back to RP UK and continue my storyline as Davina as I had made many friends with that character and a lot of other people really enjoyed the character too.

I hope you take this all in to consideration , thanks for your time

- Ozkii (Dave Davidson) (Davina Davidson)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@OzkiiThe rules are fairly simple and easy to follow, I would understand the odd mistake but this is now your 6th "mistake".

So my question is are you really here to roleplay or just play the system?

You say you have matured, but lied is your last unban, why should I trust anything you have to say?

I just wanted to continue my storyline I started before my unfortunate ban. Also what you didnt see after this clip I instantly asked to other officer to put me back in the cell. I understand the RDM completely though. I had a really good storyline going before I got banned. Its just one of my characters causes me to get in a lot of trouble all the time , I will probably phase away from using this character and make the other one my main instead.

Hello there @Ozkii
I hope we're doing well tonight.

This is your fourth permanent ban, in your previous appeal you decided to lie and pull a wall over the staff team, tying to claim that all of the accusations of rule breaks were false.
How would we know now that you're telling the truth? That trust has been lost. 
I simply do not trust anything you claim to be saying. 

You understand the RDM but not the Exploiting. 
You exploit through the walls of the PD and then decide to stab an officer with piss poor-rp, if you didn't exploit, the rdm would most likely not happen. 
So how do you understand the RDM ban, but not the exploiting one. 

As of this moment, I do not trust you, that trust has been lost. 
As of this moment, I am putting a 1-month cooldown for your appeals, meaning you can't appeal till the 2nd Of April.

Any appeals after this time may be considered, however, you'll need to do a lot to convince us it's worthwhile having you return to be a part of our community.


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