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Unban Appeal - Parka02 - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for Parka02 

In-game Name: Requis Donnovan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 260186549

Ban ID: rpuk#5196

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - I closed my game after being killed for taking the wrong car.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The reason why I was banned was due to me combat logging , I own up to it and have decided to be honest with the staff and the server as I feel like I am more likely to get unbanned if im honest.

Why should we unban you ?: I roleplay with 2 other friends and we have been playing alot recently and I usually just do trucking jobs and be Park Ranger, I havent been given any warnings and have stayed within the lines of RP the whole time I have been on this server. I apologise for the way I handled my last appeal and my way of going about the RP. I shouldn't of closed my game , however I was upset and frustrated and it was a spoor of the moment decision , I had just finished purchasing a musket and mining tools and didnt want all my tiem and money to be wasted. I should'nt of done it and it Wont happen again. I will re-read all the rules if my unban happens and make sure my decisions in game are made with the intent to stay within the rules. Thanks for your time.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You already have an appeal open.

Denied, duplicate appeal.

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