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Unban Appeal - Paul McSauce - Discord

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
64 Zoo Lane
Unban Appeal for Paul McSauce 

In-game Name: Gilly Bilmour

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198170012950

Ban ID: N/A

Reason given for your ban: C1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I belive i was banned due to my insensitive comment towards the Queens death in the communitys discord channel.

Why should we unban you ?: I belive i should be unbanned as i have realise that my my comments during the time were insensitive and out of order at the time and may have offened people, which i apologize for during the day the queen had passed away.

I had no intention to offend or hurt anyone with my comment i didnt think before i made the comment but as soon is a made the comment i knew it wasnt right and tried to delete it instantly but before i could i was banned from the discord i tried reaching out the staff member who banned me to appolgize immeditly for my actions at the time but there was no reply.

Ive spent alot of time on the server and this is my first major rule break in a year on being on the server i know that the standard should be a lot higher and im frustrated with my self with my comment and my actions and i know i should be doing better and setting a better example within the community i previously made an appeal straight after but it was denied and ive took some time away to reflect, its a real shame i have found myself in this sitatuion as i am a massive fan of the royal family and just think its absoulty stupid i am here due to my own actions. I really enjoy the server and the community around it and i can asure you nothing like this will happen ever again

Thank you for taking the time to read this
Gilly Bilmour

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Please provide your full discord name e.g xxxx#0000

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I believe the comment went along the lines of “Its ok she has won her gulag and is on her way back” don’t quote me on it but It was something along those lines 

Simple question... What was you thinking? Did you think it was funny?

Good Morning Robbie thank you for replying 

To put it quite simply i was not thinking before i made the comment i just thought oh this will be funny and get a reaction but like i stated before as soon as i put it in i knew it was wrong i tried to delete it instantly but a member of staff was already there and banned me from the discord, it was the worst decision making ive made on the server or within in the community to date, i regret the decion i made and not proud of the comment and no way did i think it was funny myself as i am a fan of the royal family i just made a poor split second choice to try be funny and to be fair it came back to bite me wich i fully deserve and openly admit to my stupidity. 

Thank you for reading 

Paul McSauce/Gilly Bilmour 

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Whether you're a fan of the royal family or not, is to me entirely irrelevant.
The fact that you would make fun of someone's death is in itself sickening. There must be a severe lack of maturity to steep that low, I for one am not entirely convinced 

Hence, your ban not be revoked today, try again in two months time.

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