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Unban Appeal - PsianaRama - GTA RP


Staff Team
Staff Team
Unban Appeal for PsianaRama 

In-game Name: Psiana G Cohan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198854037060

Ban ID: ||rpuk6326||

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: On Monday the 29th I dropped the entire balance of Penny Whitloch onto the ground for a friend to pick up as she was killing herself. She also gave him 3 cars. Everything was roleplayed, I then logged in as Psiana G Cohan and received 3 vehicles. Again this was roleplayed although upon reflection this is very wrong. The money that was intended for the friend wasn't picked up by Monk (the friend), it was picked up by Psiana as monk forgot it was there. My intention was always for Monk to have the money. I admit full guilt to what I have done though my intentions were never malicious.

Why should we unban you ?: I have never broken a single rule before and keep the highest standard of rp while in the city. I am truly sorry for my actions and would never do anything to harm the community that has brought me comfort and joy. I had just finished a 40 hour weekend thurs-monday so I wasn't in the right headspace to consider the rules or how detrimental my actions could be. I know the rules and stupidly had a lapse of judgment. I would do anything for this community as I have with aiding in dev testing, filming cinematics and helping new people to the city learn how this city runs. I beg for another chance.
Penny has died, I've been meaning to delete the character but haven't as of yet. I haven't logged on as Penny since the Monday as she truly is dead. I am willing to return everything and delete the character to put right my wrong.
Again I am so sorry for what I have done and it shall NEVER happen again. I will only log on when I am of full mind to remember the rules.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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@PsianaRamaSo did the 3 vehicles that you transferred to 'Monk' then get transferred back to your other character. Surely this is in breach of G2.9 also if that is the case?

It was the 3 vehicles from Penny to eventually Gee and unfortunately the money that I truly did mean to ALL go to monk. I fully admit to wanting the 3 vehicles for myself. Hands up I made a mistake and I truly regret it.
(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.
I broke this rule for my own gain however never for the intention of ruining the economy. I would never do anything to harm another's experience or do anything to damage the community. 
I really am sorry for my stupid action. I take full responsibility and respect any outcome you decide upon 😞

@PsianaRamaIt seemed strange to see this happen. It wasn't like you were low on funds or going to be low on funds considering the people you were hanging around with. What was the motivation?

I just really wanted the cars, I didn't intend on keeping the money at all. It was all to go to Monk. I missed driving the evo and the range but had planned the death of penny since her partner David went missing so I couldn't exactly go drive them as Penny. It was an idiotic mistake and I wasn't thinking about the effects it could have. I miss roleplaying so much and miss all the scenarios I was supposed to be involved in. I sadly got banned mid scenario but that's what I get for making such a stupid choice. I'm really sorry and it will NEVER happen again!! 
To reiterate I seriously did mean for all the cash to go to Monk, if needed he can confirm this if you contacted him! 
I also fully admit and am regretful for choosing to take the 3 vehicles from another character.

What can I do to come back to the community? I'll do anything, I miss everyone so much! 

@PsianaRamaAnita Pickles one if your other characters gained £200k a couple of months ago. How was that money obtained?

In all honesty I can't remember much of anything I did with Anita pickles. I would only ever wake her up with her husband Alfie pickles as at the time my partner was living with me and we made them together to roleplay as a set. I don't think I broke any rules and if you could give any further information on the event I can ask the only three people Anita knew. Alfie Pickle, Gareth Adams and I forget the name but Dave Fosters' (Rouble) police character. I can't think of any other time I have previously broken a rule other then the transfer between Penny to Gee. You can see I genuinely haven't touched her for months. She even got removed from the police service for inactivity I believe.

On: 26/07/2021, 04:39:04

You had £4052 in the bank at that point so i imagine a 200k increase for that character would be quite memorable. 

You recieved £200,000 via a phone transfer to that character from a guy called "Jason Miller"

You remember anything more?


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I seriously and full honesty have no recollection of receiving nor the name Jason Miller. That's the full truth! 

@PsianaRamaDue to the value of the stuff that was moved, we will be putting this unban appeal on hold until 20/12/2021

@PsianaRamaDue to the value of assets that were transferred, we will be wiping your character both Psiana G Cohen and Anita Pickles. Is this understood?

Yes Sir! I am very grateful for the opportunity to come back! I'll be deleting Penny anyway. Question, within the wipe does it wipe the house? I only ask as Lewis Banks paid for the majority (Fine if it does I'll pay him back) and also does it wipe my group on the F6 gang menu?

OH! Sorry didn't mean to reply twice but some vehicles are in a shared parking lot, before wiping them is it possible for someone to check no one has left anything within the vehicles? (The mule is what I'm most worried about!) I don't want anyone losing anything because of my stupidity!

@PsianaRamaAll assets are removed, we don't pick and choose what may belong to someone else. Is this understood?

Character has been wiped. Make sure you read over the rules before reconnecting, we don't want to see you back here again. If your character receives money from an unknown source then please report it to a staff member.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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