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Unban Appeal - Raiders - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Appeal for Raiders 

In-game Name: Jamie Sterry

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198290058403

Ban ID: !!rpuk6762!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.:
Previous timed out

Why should we unban you ?: -

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Please see the previous reply here: 

@RaidersPlease respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.

Good evening @Raiders, I hope all is well! 🙂

Please explain to me the reason for your ban (C1.2).
What was/is the motive behind the gang name you created which led to you being banned? 

Good morning,

I named the gang after a friend told me to do this however it that is irrelevant due to me still naming it due to me finding it funny at the time however I have since grown and no longer think that.

Good morning @Raiders!

I find it a big shame that you've managed to grab yourself a permanent ban that's gone on for so long now due to your friend telling you to do something?
Regardless, surely you would've know the wrong doing? 

How am I to be sure that if you're to return you wouldn't be breaking C1.2 again other than the fact you've "since grown"?


At the time of the ban I was 16 years old and although I knew my actions had consequences although I lacked the knowledge of what the consequences were and also the impact this could have on people. Now at 18 I have matured and learned from experiences and reflected upon my ban and know that the name of the gang was not right, and understand the affects that this had on people.

Hi @Raiders, I would like to get a feel for you plans if you were given another chance to return here.

What character(s) are you looking to play?
What fun/interesting roleplay stories / scenarios have you got lined up for us? 

Hi @Danoo,

A character that I am thinking I would like to roleplay is someone called Kane "Razor" Richmond, by day he works as s mobile mechanic by day servicing cars however he has a side gig as a street racer. Using the skills he has learn as a mechanic he creates highly modified cars trying to compete with the other street racers. In order to fund this fully he will need to work in the criminal world where he heard the real money is made.

Good afternoon @Raiders, thanks for the response! 🙂

You've now held onto this ban for 2 years, and I hope there's been much change inbetween then and now as stated by yourself.
I'm happy with your answers and am willing to give you another chance on the server. Please do not waste this chance.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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