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In-game Name: Rhys Mills

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198196961537

Ban ID: !!rpuk6481!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9 C2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Playing on the server for the past few days I saw that everyone had really nice cars and I felt as if none of the jobs were paying enough and at the time I was constantly being robbed too, I went on to make a new character and noticed that all the advent calendars had seemed to be unopened (which I should of reported at the time) but being completely selfish and idiotic I proceeded to make a couple characters and open the advent calendars on them to send the rewards to my main which I had did a few times after I had the money the only thing I went and did was buy myself a car and not ruin anyone's RP, after I had bought the car from the dealership I logged off going to sleep.

Why should we unban you ?: I completely understand my punishment was justified for what I had done, RPUK was one of the only if not one of the best Roleplaying experiences I had by far meeting so many intriguing individuals along the way with their own backgrounds as if it were real life, again what I did was completely wrong and unfair to everyone else giving myself an unfair advantage doing myself over in the long run, I can 100% assure you if I were granted a second chance out of the complete kindness from the admins what I did would NEVER happen again as this is my first ever ban to my name, I am quite new to Five M itself and ashamed for my actions not reading the rules when I joined up, until now I have read the rules which I should of had done before, if i am lucky and an admin sees my ticket I assure you I will do better next time and not resort to such meaningless methods of acquiring money


Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there. 

Do you think other players have it easier than you do? Or do the same things you did? What made you think you are above everyone else and can get away unscathed for cheating the system like that?

Also, is there anything else you would like to get off your chest? Little hint - something to do with your ingame house buddies.

1. No I don't think others have it easier than me, they have to go through the rough process of building their in game characters from scratch which is what I should've continued to do thinking back on my actions.

2. At the time I never really thought of myself being above anyone else but thinking back on my actions I fully understand that what I did gave me a huge advantage over others which is totally unacceptable and I am genuinely sorry for that, It was 3-4 in the morning and I was just being reckless not really caring and thinking I'd get away unharmed which is totally idiotic which I apologize for again.

3. Once the exploit was found out within the friend group we all saw this as a quick and easy way to make some money and show off our cars, Our aims weren't to abuse to or to harm others as stated before and I'm not trying to justify what we did but me and ALL my friends are truly sorry for what occurred and me myself will try to benefit myself in the future should something like this occur in the future I will act accordingly and follow the set rules.

Thank you, Rhys.

So the way i see it from what you are saying is.. you see other people who have probably been here a while, earned there money legit spent it and you and your little group of friends think that instead of doing something in the server to make money or provide good roleplay for everyone. You arrange a little scheme with them to completely ruin the economy so your group of friends can get rich quick and have nice cars.

No thanks, denied. 

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