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In-game Name: Jody Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198196961536

Ban ID: !!rpuk11491!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2 G1.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: on the 23rd of January me and my mate were looking for an easy way to get a gun we were told before the situation even occurred by others that there was an easy and efficient way to acquire one which was by robbing Gruppe sech's officers for their guns and tasers by holding them at knife point telling them not to activate their panic alarms getting them into a car and putting both into the glove box to avoid it jamming and after being banned for near 3 weeks I see how this scenario was unfair for the other party involved that we robbed, what happen was that we went up to paleto and called in for a Gruppe sech's officer to get keys cut, The officer eventually turned up and came into the store we had a conversation with the person and a couple minutes later while he was off guard we both jumped over the counter and held him at knife point, we had a car parked outside so we both lead him outside to the car slowly and ordered him to put his stuff into the glove box which he did, after he had done that we had a helicopter parked to the side of the building (which we had found beforehand while doing mechanic jobs) which we ran too then made our escape.

Why should we unban you ?: I had found out after being banned that guns weren't supposed to be acquired that way and were supposed to be acquired properly through good roleplay
(which we both failed to provide) off corrupt officers or by other legitimate means and the way we got the gun off the person was actually considered exploiting as we avoided the gun becoming jammed which was a built in feature to make guns useless when they were normally dropped, I was completely unaware at the time that it was ban worthy and after being tped later on by an admin and explained too I saw how we both broke the exploiting rule and how our ban was justified and how we provided poor roleplay.
I hope I could be given a second chance as I enjoyed playing on this server with my friends and want to be able to do that again, I also do understand that this is my second time appealing a exploit ban since my past one which was in 2021 which involved the advent calendars but up until my current ban I haven't had problems with others and to whoever reviews my ticket can see how this was all down to me just being unaware and not paying attention which I am at fault for.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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So not only did you break these two rules and exploit you sent a text to G6 to get them there with the sole intention of doing this? From looking over the situation in full it was very poor as you even agree. 

Now looking over your past warnings most are surrounding the roleplay you provide and you have been given a good few warnings prior to doing this that did result in this ban. As it stands I don't feel comfortable giving you another opportunity currently giving what you did do in this situation. Based on this I will be going ahead and denying the appeal and also provide a one month cooldown period to where we will go from there. You may make a new appeal on or after March 12th 2023.


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