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In-game Name: Jody Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198196961536

Ban ID: !!rpuk11491!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2 G1.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned two months ago for bypassing the gun jamming system with my friend ( which I went over in my previous report ) as we were both wanting a gun, the roleplay we had provided at the time was completely poor as we were only calling the G6 officer with the sole intent of robbing them for their valuables, not even attempting to provide a roleplay scenario for the other individual involved and after being off for some time I can say myself what we did wasn't even an attempt at roleplay but just a poor scheme of trying to get a gun and power gaming the whole way through while doing it, I had learnt just before being banned from an admin the way we had also acquired the gun during the scenario was actually considered exploiting and if I had knew this beforehand I wouldn't of done it at all, I regret carrying out the situation the way I did and I'm truly sorry.

Why should we unban you ?: After being banned for two months I've had well enough time to self reflect on my actions and all I've been wanting to do is just get back on the server and actually try to make things right this time and try to acquire a gun through legit means, proper roleplay scenarios and not by being a power gaming freak and forcing the situation to go in a way where ill win and actually give the other individual a chance. prior to writing this appeal I've read over the rules and have had a lot of time to again self reflect on what I did and how I could of at least tried to make the situation better.

this server truly is unique and so are the people that play on it and I really do miss being apart of that if I were to be even lucky enough to be given another chance I would want to prove this time I can actually provide a good up to standard roleplay scenario and actually make a name for myself this time and not resort to rule breaking.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Actions have consequences. You've slowly had a steady decline with regards to following the rules. Why is this? What changed and how can we be sure going forward there won't be a decline.

Hello @Fluqisorry for the late reply and thank you for taking the time out your day to give me a reply, 

I want to start by saying I am fully aware that actions have consequences and the punishment I had received along with my ban was justified and deserved.

regarding the steady decline In following the rules I feel as if me becoming burnt out after playing for long periods of time played a key factor in the decline and me wanting to have a bit more fun I'd mess around which is totally unacceptable and in no way justifiable and looking back on it now I see how it just made myself a nuisance and to those around me.

this all could of easily avoided by me simply taking a break from the server when I became burnt out but instead I decided to act up at times causing unfairness and annoyance to those around me and for that I'm genuinely sorry.

I feel as if these past two months off the server were needed for me to be able to get my mind in a correct state and think back on how things before could of been handled/dealt with differently and I also do feel as if this has had an positive effect on my mentality/attitude towards the server and has changed me for the better as I want to give roleplay a proper shot this time and build connections with other players and actually progress my character this time and not fluff around being the idiot I were before.

moving forward I would hope to be given the chance to show that I've learnt from my mistakes and actually prove I can put more effort into future roleplay scenarios and altercations with others while paying attention to my actions at the same time making it fair and enjoyable for others also acquiring items the CORRECT way this time the way it were intended to be done and be more proactive about following the communities rules and guidelines which were set in place for everyone to follow.

- Rhys.

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Hello there. 

Your replies sound very good, that´s for sure. However, I´m sure you can imagine how many times a day staff reads unbans that state about the same thing... 

I feel as if these past two months off the server were needed for me to be able to get my mind in a correct state
So what if you find yourself in such a position again in a couple months? Will I see you here again? 

Furthermore, are you aware of the punishment for exploiting? Your characters will be wiped and you only get to keep one of them. Was it worth it?

Hey! @-Sammy-

Your replies sound very good, that´s for sure. However, I´m sure you can imagine how many times a day staff reads unbans that state about the same thing... 

I do understand that what I said seems to be said a lot by others but I genuinely do mean it and want to show that I do and actually try this time.

So what if you find yourself in such a position again in a couple months? Will I see you here again? 

this whole situation has somewhat more or less felt like a lesson to me and showed me not to try and avoid implemented features ever again as they were put in for a reason. (which I should of noticed way before) but being ignorant and erratic at over the fact of obtaining a gun I failed to realise that and now have to face the consequences because of such.
If I were to even come across any future altercations involving the altering of gameplay again I would completely avoid it as now all the work I had put in beforehand was all for nothing as a result of my own selfishness and unawareness at time which I can promise you was a one off thing and will never happen again.

Furthermore, are you aware of the punishment for exploiting? Your characters will be wiped and you only get to keep one of them. Was it worth it?

to be honest with you It wasn't worth it at all as everything will be back to square one all because of my own laziness and lack of effort towards interacting and forming bonds with others to acquire things normally and just resorting to a pesky scheme to avoid doing that and looking back on it now I realise wasn't even hard and all could of been avoided if I were just more aware and put in more effort.

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somewhat more or less felt like a lesson to me
See, this seems very undecided and "I will tell them what they want to hear" to me... 

back to square one all because of my own laziness and lack of effort
And this is not the first time either now, is it? Why do you seem to always take a shortcut? If you are here to min-max instead of roleplaying - we don´t want you here. 

I will give you one last chance to convince me. Make it count.

This is not my first time breaking a rule. I think it was around December 2021. I took a shortcut due to the fact I didn't take roleplaying seriously at the time.  I didn't want to have to put the effort in, however my views on RP have changed since then I would find it rewarding to play this server correctly.  I took a break a couple of months after that and I came back recently. I do regret my actions and I wish I approached that situation differently. RPUK is the only server which I enjoy and I'm disappointed that I possibly have squandered it. I have had time to think about my actions and I sincerely apologise for what I have done. During the 2 months I have spent banned, I have reread the rules and I understand it is there in order to make everything reasonable. My intention is not to ruin other peoples roleplay experience, I have much to learn in the way of being a good "RP'er" but I am fully prepared to learn, given the chance. I know it would be easy to write in words that I will make a positive change, and that I will not repeat what I did, I have seen the error of my ways and I assure you. Let my actions speak to that, and you will not see me my name in a negative context again. I WANT to make sure I provide high quality roleplay at all times and become a part of this community. I am fully aware RPUK is a RP server, not a min-maxing server, I made an error in judgement.

Right, let´s have a look at your record real quick. 

05/11/2021 - You started playing on our server
18/12/2021 - You were banned for transfering money
22/05/2022 - You were unbanned by myself 
05/06/2022 - A warning for G2.3 (Roleplay Everything)
26/07/2022 - A warning for G1.2 (RDM)
21/09/2022 - A warning for G4.5 (NLR)
Barely any activity or playtime from 27/09/2022 until 26/11/2022
23/01/2023 - This current ban for Exploiting and Powergaming was placed

To sum it up, you have joined our community 1 year and 5 months ago. Out of that you were banned for 8 months in total so far, including this current ban. Out of the remaining 9 months, you took a break for 2 months. That leaves 7 months of somewhat actively playing on the server, in which you also managed to collect 3 warnings

Now, 3 warnings and 2 bans don´t sound so bad if we look at almost 1 and a half years, but broken down to active playtime - it´s bad. You have been banned for longer than you have been on the server... A lot of our players have been playing here actively for many years and maybe have 1 or 2 warnings - maybe 1 temporary ban - on their record. 

And as if the overall record is not disappointing enough, your bans have been for gain and the warnings for shitty and unrealistic roleplay. Which means, overall you don´t care about this community above your own agenda and everything you have been telling me in this appeal is utter nonsense

Thus, we will not be entertaining another appeal from you for yet another 6 months. We don´t want people here who refuse to learn and provide proper roleplay. If you would like to min-max and play for nice stuff and loads of money, please go elsewhere. 

Denied. Can re-appeal after 01/10/2023.

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