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Unban Appeal - Ronnie trapp - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Ronnie trapp 

In-game Name: Ronald Trapp

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199473443893

Ban ID: !!rpuk15320!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: G1.2 - Random Death Match,

The reason for the ban is through my own fault! Giving out "hands up or your dead" or " press your button your dead" orders is probably the worst kind of roleplay anyone could receive.

Why should we unban you ?: So firstly i'd like to start by wishing all staff a happy new year & I hope everyone is keeping well.

Secondly I would like to apologize to @vinny for this very very poor roleplay experience he had with me on this day. Please vinny & to anyone reading this appeal, please don't think this is the quality of roleplay I go by & I would like to think I carry a decent reputation for my roleplay. I have always Roleplayed in any situation if that be mucking around with friends or in situations with police & many other experiences I have had in my time, and as Slawek said this type of roleplay would dishearten people as it would me as I have been on the receiving end of this type of quality which pushed me to combat log in frustration.

For the poor RP I supplied vinny here was disgusting & there is no excuse for that, I totally hold my hands up & apologize for that. There was no frustration, Lack of experience just Poor RP which if i'm honest i'm not proud of! It's pretty shameful to think I could supply this type of RP in any situation let alone robbing a police officer.

I just want it known I initially was only turning up to help my buddy, but decided to assist in sticking up the police officer as we was out on the rob. switching to push-to-talk seconds before pulling up was a massive oversight on my behalf I never use this & I know this played a part in why this situation was so scuffy, I believe the situation would of been very different.

Since my last ban I have came back with a different approach, found myself with a new group of friends from the other side of the city which i hadn't actually been too. I was trying to start from the bottom hanging around a big OCG which would for sure require a very high standard of roleplay carried out by members of this OCG so it's very upsetting to see me here for the total opposite. I've been dedicating a massive amount of hours to my character "Ronnie" since my last unban to be worthy enough to make the cut! as he's exploring the deep end of the sea trying to hustle his way up from corner selling to whole sale from petty stick ups to hitting the big one! Creating life changing relationships, friendships & also business contacts.

If i was to be unbanned I would try & join a different type of faction on a different head Like police, solicitor, G6 or NHS I'm happy for staff to decide if needed to prove I can provide much better RP that whats shown in my own clip.
I'm upset to see me back here letting dano down after giving me another chance, i'm totally disheartened with not being able to be in a community I've called home for a while & deeply ashamed that this type of RP was used by myself. like mentioned above I've been spending a massive amount of time here came across many different scenarios I hate for Myself & Ronnie to go out like this without proving that this isn't the roleplay we provide.

Thank you for reading over this, I wish each & everyone of you a Happy new year & Hope we all have a brilliant 2024

Ronnie <3

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello Ronnie.

You've covered almost all the questions, which I'd typically ask. However, how would you prevent something like this from happening again?

Good evening @SnufflesThank you for the reply, hope you've enjoyed the festive holidays.

So in regards too the poorly played RP I could ensure nothing of this sort would happen again from me here given another chance, I can only learn from this & let it help me excel & further my Roleplay.
If I was to commit another robbery I would be less focused on the robbery side of things & more the experience for us both, If i could replay the situation presented in the clip in the report & hadn't had just switched to push-to-talk I would of pulled my gun when my friend did & told the officer to "Don't press your panic alarm & put your hands up". With our guns already draw I'm sure after those demands the officer would of knew his life would be at risk if said orders wasn't delivered. I would of walked him into life invader & asked him questions as to what was going on & proceeded from there because thinking back on the situation we went to assist frank & never actually found him so the officer could of became much more valuable than we probably thought & could have made a quality experience all round. 

With push-to-talk I have moved the key bind to my mouse where I feel comfortable & can easily use it, I've also purchased a new mic which will help me not echoing if I was to switch back to free chat.

As I mentioned this isn't the sort of quality RP I usually do & I certainly don't think It's acceptable even as a bare minimum, but as I've mentioned I'm trying join a big OCG which would require a high level of role play, taking months of dedication to not only the city but the Group also, like I've said I have a different group of friends who have been around way longer than myself & people I can learn a lot from & help me grow more confidence to engage in higher quality RP.

If given another chance I would give you my word that you wouldn't see me back here for any rule breaking whats so ever, I've been sat at my desk flicking the appeal triple checking for a reply I really do not want to be back here in the appeals again. 

Thank you again Snuffles 🙂

Good afternoon @Ronnie trapp, I hope all is well with you today! 🙂

I'm really disappointed to see you here to be honest. I was half tempted to decline your previous appeal due to your own wording of "I won't be appealing & too I'll be leaving the Discord" but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and allowed you back to the server due to the genuinely decent record you had held up until now.
I asked you kindly not to waste your chance, and within a month we're already back on the unban appeal section of the forums.

This was a clear case of RDM as discussed in the report, and I'm not sure why you'd risk the ban? 
As much as I appreciate the effort you've put into this appeal and it does not go unnoticed, you were banned 3 days ago therefore I do not believe you've had enough time away to fully realize what has gone wrong.
Why should I continue entertaining this appeal and let you back into the server rather than giving you a cooldown after already giving you the benefit of the doubt once. 

Good afternoon dano, I won't lie & Say I well on this occasion as I'm very very upset about the circumstances I've got myself into. 

I just want to firstly apologize to yourself for letting you down after giving me a second chance after those stupid acts carried out, I just want you to know that this wasn't intentional I'm not trying to excuse the fact I Failed RP or the RDM & I know a lot of the time things get put down to misjudgments but this genuinely was.

Please, please don't think this is how I treat the city or our members while in or out of a roleplay surrounding, I genuinely love this city & community.
I was lay in pillbox 3 days ago, went to get a drink & I was sadly banned & I haven't stopped looking at the forum screen since I fully understand the severity too what I have done & know what I should of done during the situation with the officer.
I'm genuinely asking dano, to allow me this one more chance to prove myself & allow me to join my friends & community once more, I know i said it a month back but I give you my word you will not see me back here for any more rule breaks.

If you was to entertain this appeal & Allow me to join my friends once more there would be solid RP from myself which I'm more than capable of & I'd also try & join a faction like police - NHS - G6 or a Solicitor to prove that this isn't the garbage I want to provide to the server.

Please don't shut me out the door I'm genuinely sorry for my actions, 
I'm sorry again dano, thank you for taking your time to reply


Good evening @Ronnie trapp, thank you for the response.

I cannot lie, it's refreshing to see so much effort behind an appeal. As Snuffles has previously mentioned you've already answered majority of our questions in your initial appeal.
Overall it does appear that you've regretful of your actions, and as mentioned it's a damn shame to see you back here 1 month after your previous chance. 

You've probably already guessed, but we will not keep entertaining appeal after appeal from you. Especially considering how on edge I was with the last.
In your own words, you're looking for one last chance and give me your word that you will not end up back here. Very well, I will grant you this one final chance given the amount of effort behind this appeal.

I believe we've been more than lenient with you, and any ban you now receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as standard. This will also come with an automatic 6 month cooldown attached to it before you may even appeal. This is non negotiable and will not be altered given the above.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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