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Unban Appeal - Ross2151 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ross Wilson
Steam ID: 76561199122536693
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16484
Ban Reason: (G2.9) Transferring Items/Money
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for transferring money between characters.
Why should we unban you: I am going to start this appeal of by saying that what i done was stupid and i know that, i am not going to sit here and lie I have been here long enough to know what i done was against the rules and the only reason i done it was because i thought i wouldn't get caught which is not an excuse at all and definitely not the attitude i should have when playing. I have been playing in this server for many years and understand all of the rules and why they are put in place, I know this rule is in place to stop players gaining a unfair advantage by gaining money and items in an unfair way which can ruin RP for others and the economy in the city which is unacceptable in this server as the RP is held to such a high standard which makes it the great server that it is. I believe that when i am in the city i always try my best to provide high quality RP in every situation that i am involved in and doing this was a real drop in standard for myself. There is absolutely no excuse for my actions, and I am questioning why i went to these lengths, I know the consequences for not only me but the city as a whole and didn't take this into consideration before doing what i did which i definitely should have. If i am unbanned i will make sure i will never do something like this again and learn from my mistakes however there is no reason i should be making a stupid mistake like this after playing for such a long period of time as i should know better. If i am aloud back into the city ill continue to try and provide the best RP i possibly can and give every player that I interact with a good experience.

Hope to hear a response soon
Thanks for your time :)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Ross2151 , I hope all is well with you today? :)

One thing I will note, is that you've not had a bad attitude about this at all, even whilst talking to admins in game.
The problem is, if you don't know why you've done this then neither do we...

Ultimately if you weren't caught you would've continued to try and fly under the radar and potentially pull something like this again in the future, how can we be sure that you're not going to break rules again with no real motive?
Hello thanks for the quick response,

After having some time to think of my actions I’ve taken into consideration the effect this has on not only me but the server as a whole i have not taken this time to reflect just because I have been caught, as when I done it I immediately knew I was in the wrong and regretted it. I can assure this will never happen again as it was something I done out of stupidity and know I was fully in the wrong by breaking a rule in the server which is definitely not what I set out to do when coming on to RP

Thanks for your time
Thanks for the response,

What was the reason you had transferred the money from Caz to Ross?
Do you not ever plan on playing Caz again?
thanks for the response, I originally was going to start to play on Caz with the possibility of exploring different factions within the city, however I realised that the character didn’t really work well for me so decided to switch back to the Ross character and stupidly transferred the money from Caz as I didn’t want it going to waste which is not the way I should have thought of it and know the importance of keeping both characters separate within the city
Good evening @Ross2151 ! :)

We seem to be getting somewhere as to why you've transferred the items between two different characters.
Bans of this nature do come with some conditions though, those being the following;

You may pick one character to keep (You currently have Ross Wilson & Caz Milligan), this character will receive a full wipe (Bank, Cash, Inventory, Loadout, Cars, Houses, Licences etc) but still keep all of their memories and contacts. The remaining character will be permanently deleted.
Do you agree to these terms, if you do, please let me know which character you'd like to keep.
Good evening, I agree to these conditions, I would like to keep the Ross Wilson character.

Thanks for the response :)
Good morning @Ross2151 ,

You've been in this community now for some time, you're not new, you know the rules.
I'm going to give you one more chance here in this community, you're going to be basically starting fresh other than holding Ross's memories in character.

I suggest we come back with a roleplaying mentality rather than attempting to gain an advantage, you're now also on the last phase of our FBS system.
Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here, the chances of a successful appeal will be very low.

Please don't waste this chance!
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