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Unban Appeal - SamTulz - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SamTulz 

In-game Name: Sam Tulett

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198256110924

Ban ID: !!rpuk9901!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: (C2.2) - this rule goes under exploiting could mean the use of glitches and use them for the player’s advantage in a matter where it should not be done in this case it was search vehicle while drug dealing to cancel out the handshake animation, Initially I had seen someone else do the exploit and at the time I thought it would be okay to use the exploit as well

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I should be unbanned prior the incident that took place in the early hours of the morning on Tuesday 23rd August 2022, I have only ever received 1 other ban, which was a 24hr ban for speaking Out Of Character, I have also been given an warning for the misuse of OOC chat. Other than that, my logs are clear, no negative history or bad reputation, and if needed, you can check for any other warnings or bans on my profile/account. After doing this exploit, I have learnt my lesson to never exploit in the server as it will lead to dire consequences and ruins the RP experience. I believe I should receive one more chance and if proceeded to disobey the rules again, I will take full responsibility of my actions I have made. Why I think I should be unbanned is because I'm not the type of person to mess around and cause trouble in the server such as committing RDM, VDM, and many more, I provide great RP within the city and have built up a great reputation with fellow role players, I understand that I have made a mistake using the exploit and I understand that the consequences I have received are purely necessary and I promise to never exploit in the server again and to follow the rules and abide by them.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

So you mention here that you saw someone else do it so you believed it was alright? Didn't you say to the staff member who talked to you that your friend told you not to do this? What's the truth. 

Hi Stuart, hope you're well!

Thanks for responding

Yes, I did mention to the staff that a friend had told me it was bad to do the exploit but this was AFTER I had seen someone do it and thought it was okay to use the exploit. Honestly, it was stupid of me to use the exploit to speed up time.

So the truth of it is, yes, I did have a friend tell me it's wrong, yes, I was stupid enough to ignore him and still continue on using it. I can 100% guarantee you this will never happen again, and as stated above, I will take full responsibility for my actions and face any consequences if doing so. I honestly don't know what was going through my head to think it was okay to use the exploit to speed up things  and I do sincerely apologise for my silly actions I made that morning.

I'm doing good thank you for asking, Hope all is well also! 

With that in mind as you've mentioned, How can we be sure you won't simply continue to do the same down the line should we give you another chance? 

Have you read the rules prior to the ban, If not can you explain why?

Hi Stuart!

Thanks for the response! All well too. 

As mentioned, I solely promise to NEVER exploit in the server again, if it has to come to it, an admin can watch over me whenever I go to do drug dealing to supervise so that I do not step out of line. You have my full word that I do not EVER intend on using ANY exploits in the server. As previously stated, I was not thinking straight when I used the exploit to speed up drug dealing and to skip handshake animations, It was wrong.

should we give you another chance? 
I very much would love to have a second chance as I really love this server, great community, very friendly people and I have started to build a great reputation for myself in the city, and I wouldn't want to let it go to waste because of my stupid actions which I understand I should not have done and understand that if repeated, I will take FULL responsibility for my actions and face ANY form of consequences given. As stated multiple times, I am sincerely sorry for my stupid actions and you have my word that I will NEVER EVER use another exploit or rule break in the server again.

Have you read the rules prior to the ban
Yes, I have read through all the rules when I first started in the server, and I do recently check up on the rules in case of any new rules or adjustments to some.

I hope this response has cleared the questions that you have to ask regarding this situation! 

Hope you have a lovely day/night!

Yes, I did mention to the staff that a friend had told me it was bad to do the exploit but this was AFTER I had seen someone do it and thought it was okay to use the exploit. Honestly, it was stupid of me to use the exploit to speed up time.
What's even more stupid is the fact that you had a player come up to you and tell you that you shouldn't be doing that, you ignored him this player then also made me aware of it over OOC claiming that you was exploiting and you even have chat off or still chose to ignore that message. You state you seen someone else doing it so thought it was okay, there was 3 people selling 1 was you and the other two people stayed away from you because of what you was doing. 

So you believe you should get one more chance why is this? As far as I can see this player that warned you before contacting staff gave you a chance to stop which you ignored why did you ignore the advice from someone?

Hi Robbie, thanks for the response! 

Hope you're well!

this player that warned you before contacting staff gave you a chance to stop which you ignored why did you ignore the advice from someone?
Regarding this player that had made it known to staff that I was exploiting, I didn't purposely have intentions to ignore the person who called me out for it, I understand that he had tried to speak to me but at the time I was completely oblivious to him talking to me directly as I thought he was speaking to someone else and not to mention I wasn't paying full attention to him which is why I didn't respond.

I have also been given an warning for the misuse of OOC chat.
As stated above, i had previously been warned about the misuse of OOC chat, so with that being that i had decided to turn it off to prevent myself from misusing it again, I only turn it on to either call out someone who is breaking a rule or to mention a bug that has happen to me.

You state you seen someone else doing it so thought it was okay

Initially I had seen someone else do the exploit and at the time I thought it would be okay to use the exploit as well
As stated above, AT THE TIME, I thought it was okay, as time passed I had made friends and then they would go on to tell me it was wrong to exploit, which I then stupidly decided to not think straight and use the exploit anyways, which I then learnt the consequences of my mistakes.

So you believe you should get one more chance why is this?

should we give you another chance?
As stated above, I very much would love to have a second chance in the server as I really love this server, great community, very friendly people and I have started to build a great reputation for myself in the city, and I wouldn't want to let it go to waste because of my stupid actions which I understand I should not have done and understand that if repeated, I will take FULL responsibility for my actions and face ANY form of consequences given. As stated multiple times, I am sincerely sorry for my stupid actions and you have my word that I will NEVER EVER use another exploit or rule break in the server again.

Just so we don't lose context on half quoted messages, I asked How can we be sure you won't simply continue to do the same down the line should we give you another chance? 

This has somewhat been unanswered. In addition to this can you please quote the rule you broke and explain in your own words why you believe we have such a rule in place place?

Hi Stuart! Hope you are well!

You have my full word that I will NEVER use the exploit again and prior to that, take FULL responsibility for ANY of my actions. I have also agree to have an admin watch over me whenever I go to do drug dealing. I understand that if at any given time I rule break again, any form of punishment/consequences I receive, will be totally necessary.

please quote the rule you broke and explain in your own words why you believe we have such a rule in place place?
C2.2 - Exploiting: Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations.

I believe this rule is implemented to stop players from giving themselves an unfair advantage over other players or to ruin the concept of roleplay for themselves and other players around them.

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Right. Sam I am willing to give you a chance however everything you had on you at the time of being banned will be wiped due to your actions. Do you agree to this condition?

Hi Robbie, hope you are well!

I more than agree to have my inventory at the time of my ban wiped. I would like to thank you very much for giving me a second chance.

Hope you have a lovely day/night!

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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