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Unban Appeal - Saruman - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Saruman 

In-game Name: Fred Esdoorn

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198221189280

Ban ID: c2.2

Reason given for your ban: Exploiting

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i have no idea why i was banned, as far as i know i havent been exploiting anything. i tried to join the server today and it said that i had been banned today but i havent even played for a few days. i have read another apeal on this sub from someone who got banned for a c2.2 code and his reason was using ragdoll. i have used ragdoll the last time but i only use this function in serious roleplay moments like a car accident or falling from a high place. i thought it was allowed to use ragdoll mode by pressing the U key.

Why should we unban you ?: because i just joined this server not to long ago, i am a serious roleplayer and i really like the community, i do not know what i have done wrong but if someone could explain this to me i would make sure i never do it again and learn from it.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@SarumanPlease can you provide a screenshot of the ban message.

@SarumanDoes anyone else in your household play on our server?

hello @George Harris, i now do know what happened, my friend (john Brick) got banned for exploiting and because we live in the same apartement building im banned too. 

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@Saruman Your friend John Brick has been unbanned as per sucessfull unban appeal, please check if you can now also connect to the server and report back so we know. Thanks

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