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Unban Appeal - Satsuma - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Satsuma 

In-game Name: Ivan Malder

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198212511127

Ban ID: !!rpuk9946!!

Reason given for your ban: Ban reason: G2.4, G2.3 - Player Report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I honestly dont have a clue

Why should we unban you ?: i have been on the server for 2 weeks and have just joined a new upcoming gang and have made many friends and believe i have contributed high quality roleplay

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Ah okay, Yes i do remember this and i know my reasoning doesnt excuse my actions but heres what happened, I had been pretty much been victim to this around 5 times in the days before this specific incident where i would be chased when passing through a certain area on the map whilst being shot at etc and every time no matter what it always ended the same way (me being shot and dumped off the pier), i was sort of just at breaking point with them i just wanted to retrieve my wheel-less sanchez and move on but was confronted by them and knowing what the outcome would be i sort of just said 'just shoot me already' to get it over with, after he put me in the car i knew it was sort of game over and alt f4'd out of pure frustration, being new to the server i didnt think it was that big of a deal alt f4'ing after already being killed, but now i realise.

i know its no valid excuse but from my pov it was very tiring being killed repeatitively by the exact same people over and over so just kinda had enough

i now know it isnt acceptable and great RP comes from accepting when you're at a loss and just going along with it

i really hope you can understand where im coming from and forgive my actions as i was just settling in and having the utmost amount of fun joining a new gang and making legitimate friends who ive now lost contact with since i never joined a discord etc.

i have learnt from my mistakes and will ensure they will NOT happen again.

sincerly Satsuma

Is getting frustrated something that happens often when you are playing?

If this is the issue how can we be sure you won't just do the same thing down the line should you get annoyed or frustrated with a situation moving forth? 

not particularly, i am used to playing pvp games such as world of warcraft so being frustrated is something i can deal with, whenever i do get really frustrated i just  alt f4 and take a break but now i realise that isnt allowed here (atleast until the RP has ended), so in future will remember this and will hold out and continue the RP until it has finished because i dont want to be banned since ive only just discovered gta rp and its actually one of the funnest games ive played in a long ass time.

i wouldnt risk a ban ever again 

Lets say you get into a situation like this or somewhat similar to the point one side has broken multiple server rules to where you are downed. How would you deal with this?

Can you please quote the rules you broke and explain in your own words why you believe we have such rules in place?

I would simply just go along with it RP as usual meanwhile record and report if im able to (my pc is quite shit so probably not) or message an admin in ooc chat to spectate me perhaps. I wouldnt let my emotions get the better of me this time and act as if all was normal.

G2.4, G2.3, C2.3 : you have these rules in place to achieve quality roleplay and not total chaos on the server. if it wasnt for these rules there wouldnt be any combat/too much combat.
if people kept talking out of roleplay in game it wouldnt have the same feel the server does right now and i realise i contributed to that and am very sorry.

I hope you read and understand that i truly am sorry and hope to be forgiven and allowed back into the server/community. I made poor stupid choices and have honestly reflected alot since you have asked these questions and completely understand the perma.

Please allow a second chance, I will NOT let you down. 


Whilst I understand the point you are bringing across you was indeed banned for combat logging as a whole. With combat logging bans of this type they do come with a one month cooldown from the time they are given. Due to the ban being placed in August 27th, You will need to wait until September 27th before you can appeal this ban however you do have the information to hand now and we have a gage on yourself due to the current responses. As this is the case I'll go ahead and deny this appeal however you can make a new one on the date provided.


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