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Unban Appeal - scottygdog98 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for scottygdog98 

In-game Name: Toby Fernandez

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 765611988016533632

The date you got banned: 22/12/20

Member of the team that banned you: wilco

Reason given for your ban: wilco

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for RDM, I very rarely RDM as its not only unrealistic but not enjoyable for both parties. i cant remember the exact scenario for why i did it but i know i never go around running over people unless i have a reason as in someone is trying to rob me while im in my car or any valid RP reason, it has been about 3-4 months since iast played Roleplay UK as i have had a lot of personal reasons going on, so i cant give you an exact explanation on why i RDMED but i know that RDM is forbidden as its unrealistic and the rules state its a very strict rule everyone must follow and i understand this, i know this sounds like a stupid excuse but as the rules says, tell nothing but the truth which is what i am doing, i feel i was wrong to rdm as i have reported people for doing this to me prior to the ban so i know how annoying it is and unfair and i truly am sorry for it and it wont happen again

Why should we unban you ?: Well for starters its fair to say that this server has the best community hence why its always full and it will get even better and more populated as time goes by, i have found the staff always helpful toward me in all aspects in which i needed help with, i have been temp banned for a stupid decision i made in the city which i stand by your decision to temp ban me and i hold my hands up and say sorry.I know you hear this everyday but i truly am sorry and i promise i will never do it again, i know its a very strict you have for the server and i am deeply sorry for the stress and hassle i have caused by my actions, i feel when i was in the server i felt i was always very respectful and helpful in the city, i was always in character i think i only went OOC once in the city which was a mistake and i know where where i went wrong. In the server i have made a lot of great scenarios through RP and really hope i can continue doing so on this great server, i really hope you can give me a second chance and i will knuckle down and i promise you that you will never have a bad word to say about me again. I love RP and i take it very seriously, i really dont want to be searching for a new server as i will not find a server as good and fun as Roleplay UK, im really praying you can give me one last chance to show my good side, i have put a lot into this appeal which just goes to show how much this server means to me and how much i want to play on it everyday, thanks for taking the time to read this. If you do reject my appeal i just want to say im not 5 years old im a 22 year old grown man so im not going to get salty over it so i would like to thank you all for your dedication, help and providing this amazing experience on this great server and wish you the best for the future.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Whats your definition of roleplay? 
And how will you act next time if you come in the same situation? 

just seen this a 2nd appeal you opened, please do not open more then one appeal, i will continue on the oldest appeal. 

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