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Unban Appeal - Sinnister Roberts - GTA RP

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Sinnister Roberts

New member
Unban Appeal for Sinnister Roberts 

In-game Name: Sinnister Roberts

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199058692035

Ban ID: !!rpuk2897!!

Reason given for your ban: Economy Protection

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think i was banned because i was buying and selling items and not asking questions about were they were from

Why should we unban you ?: At the time i was new to pc and all roleplaying ,i was trying to make as much money as i could and was looking at cheap items as profit and not thinking or asking were they came from, that was around 12 months ago now and im more clued up about everything now ,i apologise for my behaviour on the server and would like another chance to enjoy the city and interactions .thank you

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: yes

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Did you not find it suspicious at all? Who was you doing this so called business with? I understand that it was almost a year ago however what you done with people effected the economy therefore we need some details of the events to consider your appeal. So you will have to put some thought into it.

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