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Unban Appeal - SK- - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SK- 

In-game Name: Saint Kohi

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198272604192

Ban ID: !!rpuk11267!!

Reason given for your ban: (G3.1) (C1.7)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for G3.1 and C1.7

Metagaming and Blackmail
I would like to prove my innocence

I am going to address two things here, but first I will admit that my attitude and sarcasm was not necessary or needed whatsoever.
I get along with Liam but unfortunately I've now been blocked as I believe he has interpreted my message wrongly, Liam is someone whos a bit of a troll so I guess that's why I had a bit of banter in my replies as I thought when he said "convenient" when referring to the picture of the incident, so I replied with a funny gif saying "what do you mean by that" but regardless I shouldn't have spoken like that at all.

Moving on,


I guess I'll make a FULL timeline of events that happened on that day to prove my innocence, as that's probably the best way to show proof of my point of view.

We received a text from Sean, it was an order from himself to protect and help the lost in finding the morenos, at around 18:42.

I arrive at Grapeseed Dodgy and bumped into Ryan from the Lost as he then told me he's already killed two and there were more of them Italians alive. I then relayed that new information in the GC at 18:49.

At around 18:49 after sending the new information about Ryan, we then said Grandmas was cleared.

We then received the instructions from Sean to check Hospitals and Dodgy Drs (at the time we only had knowledge of one dodgy and that was the one near grandmas) - essentially to just camp them as they're most likely gonna be around that area instead of searching the whole map.


Now, once I received those instructions I then made my way towards Sandy Hospital and that is where I bumped into Dwayne from the Lost and he basically relayed on the message that they're still about to watch out basically confirming what Ryan already told me.

I then head towards Stab City just for the sake to checking, then check the mountains nearby, but no sign.

I am currently near Stab City in Sandy

At around 18:58 - Naj started spamming the GC after identifying a Moreno - His name is "NastyNaj" in the GC for reference, it was at this point saying "coming" replying to his discovery where he said "HERE" "AT PILLBOX".

Now I stop everything I am doing and I prioritized that call to head back to the city via Los Santos freeway, At this point I am near Lower Pillbox and my game crashes.

Logs will prove that (if it shows the crash)

I reconnect and witness a shootout with Police, I at the time was in a BF400 and saw Chino Dex get shot on the correct lane of travel heading north bound on Los Santos freeway opposite lower pillbox.

He was taken to either Paleto or Sandy, that's the indication I got that he was in hospital.

At this point I wanted to park my Bike and bring out a car as I would stand a better chance, I head towards Vanilla Unicorn and park my BF400.
I believe I then steal a local car and head back towards the shootout, in the meantime Dave Sancho and Benz were getting chased by police going down great ocean. This happened around 19:50 when as shown in the GC.

The chase ended up with Dave screaming for help and so I then drive towards the Jetskis that were parked near the beach, by the time I got towards Dave to pick him up as he was trying to swim away. He got arrested and put inside the police car as NPAS was directly above me watching everything unfold.

I then head back towards where I found the Jetski and lockpicked a truck nearby, I then abandoned it after spotting a black local infernus at the parking, so I took it.

I then ask on the radio where is everyone at or if everyone's okay, I get no reply.
I assume it was either due to the lack of signal or they might be dead.

So I drive towards lower pillbox to see if I could be in range, so I head towards that direction.

as I passed by Burger Shot, I received a txt msg from Dex on the GC saying "SANDY" so after nobody responded to me on the radio I assumed the worst like anyone would do, right?

I was near Vespucci PD/ Burger Shot when I got the txt msg in the GC at 19:22

I then put my foot on the gas and headed towards Los Santos Freeway, I asked on freq if everyone was good and nobody replied, yet again.
I knew by the time I would arrive he'd most likely would have been either killed or ziptied and taken away somewhere else.

So I now reach sandy hospital to check anyways, just for the small chance even though its more than likely that he wouldn't have been killed as soon as he got out of his bed, as he had time to scream "SANDY" in the GC.
Around 19:25

Now, I do not spot any cars at Sandy, it was more or less a ghost town. I didn't really have a reason to check inside as if they did kill him as soon as he got off his bed then it wouldn't have made any sense because he would not have had enough time to put the message in the GC.

So basically me arriving late being in the bottom left side in the city, to then me making a long journey towards sandy hospital, they would have been stupid to wait there for that long, so me checking inside would be a stupid error as time was important, I had to make quick and effective decisions.

So now I noticed nobody was parked or around Sandy, I drive down the road past the Sandy 24/7 and gas station, I set a marker on my GPS to take my to Dodgy as he was not responding, not only was it around the corner but it was the only Dodgy we knew at the time.

*We know now a total of 3 locations at the time of writing this * - 05/01/2023

So now I arrive at Dodgy near Grandmas at 19:26:18 - Drove straight into the middle and turned, spotted Dex and had no time to even put a GPS in GC as he was aiming a gun in my direction, shootout then took place and at around 19:26:22, I was down.

Now with that being said I have listed every action that I have took to prove my innocence, on how I was able to find Dex. I do appreciate you guys cracking down on Metagaming and punish those who're caught in the act but I assure you that all above is the truth and anything that does not make sense, ....
Please @ myself and I will be more than happy to explain or help guide you.

In terms of my History I've only ever been permanently banned once, in 2021 when I was basically a Baldy. I have then since returning made sure my roleplay is up to scratch and always engaged within the community and helped it to the best of my ability.

The point I am trying to make is that although I appreciate you guys volunteering your time to make sure the community is safe, I want to show you that I am not one of those guys.

I was asked about Hayley's phonecall in the report, that phonecall was more indication or even confirmation that he had been killed at sandy to which the rest of the boys camped to eventually find Nex and hands him up which made him lose his pistol.
Would also like to add at that I do not have any footage of the incident as of now due to the fact that the report has been delayed and was past the 24 hours, I can only provide the screenshot of myself aiming at Nex.

Side note: I'm not even sure how the Morenos even had knowledge of the location of the Dodgy DR but we're not here for that, we're here to solve this out

Now that we've got that out the way for now

Lets address the so called "Blackmail"


Myself and Liam are good friends, at least that's how I saw things.

So I was told by him that more staff were investigating the report, I asked who or which staff to avoid a potential conflict of interest.

He gave me a few names such as the following;
"Me, Stavik, Mystix, Sammy, Drex"

I immediately saw Sammy and Drex and I was afraid that they might switch the narrative as Ballas and Sammy/Drex do not get along and spotted the potential conflict of interest so I then tried to ask Liam if I could make a ticket about it.

He responded with "You can do that if u wish,
Probably wont help idk"

I then mentioned how it'll be the same if 3FingerGaming had a say as he is an Azteca so more or less I was making sure there were potential no biased opinions, that's all.

After asking about Sammy and Drex, I wanted to make it clear to Liam that whatever he has just told me, would it cause more problems and even more politics if I made a ticket about it and if he was even supposed to tell me as I was trying not to get in even more trouble and did not want Liam to get in trouble too as at that point it was pretty serious to me.

he then said What do you mean by that? then I replied exactly what I said because I didn't want anyone getting in trouble not sure if that was supposed to be private or not.

So I sort of see how he must've misinterpreted my message, either way I'm sure you guys can see there was no actual malicious intent as we both get along as it is.

When he responded with a "lol" I thought he found what I said funny because I said "Exactly what I said" because he basically wanted me to repeat my question again as he perhaps didnt understand it or wasnt expecting a
"Exactly what I said" response
but since that happened he never really answered my question and he aired it so I just assumed that he didn't really care or it was not a big deal so I then proceeded with the ticket to but then I saw Stavik put a msg in the ticket mentioning Blackmail then the ticket closed, I was immediately bamboozled. I was confused, my first reaction was to perhaps instead of making another ticket to address it I sent a msg to Liam asking if I blackmailed him because I genuinely had no idea what was going on.

I then reached out to Stavik and I've not heard back since assuming hes been busy, which is fair enough.
Yesterday I tried to solve this as I the last thing I wanted was to be painted as a blackmailer which is not the best look at all, far from the truth in fact.
I just wanted to make sure he was not going to get in trouble for trying to help me in telling me those who are involved, that's genuinely it.

Like I said I did not want to mention this out in the open and would rather speak to you guys about this as it is DM's with staff and I'm not posting it out in the open for the world to see.

I've provided all the information thats necessary, thanks to however takes their time in reading this.

Why should we unban you ?: Although I may have been acting like a "Backseat Admin" regarding the C1.7 - You can see that I did not have any ill intent.
For context I can provide screenshots of our conversation but Liam can also do that, not going to showcase that to the whole forums.
I feel as though my message with misinterpreted like I said I wanted to clear things up with Liam but I was blocked, fair enough as he got the wrong end of the stick.

Although I am unable to provide footage, the timeline doesnt lie aswell as the logs.
I know its not much to work with but it shows a consistent story that makes sense all round as I genuinely did not break a metagaming rule here.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You able to join Teamspeak at some point this week?

Yes absolutely, ready when you are

Are you currently around @SK-? If so, join ts and we´ll get this unban out of the way

As per our discussion on discord, I have issued an unban. Keep the conversation in mind and stay out of trouble 🙂

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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