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Unban Appeal - talhanh - GTA RP

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United Arab Emirates
Unban Appeal for talhanh 

In-game Name: Itz Stabber

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199166920358

Ban ID: rpuk#4080

Reason given for your ban: Microphone required

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: My microphone wasnt working and the admin pulled me and banned me.

Why should we unban you ?: I was fixing my mic. Meanwhile, I was doing my trucking job and an admin came from no where and teleported me to several places and then i suddenly got kicked from the server and i was permanently banned. Now, I have fixed my mic and its working properly.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello @talhanh

Before I even consider entertaining this appeal, can you please tell me the whole story? We both know there is more to this that what you have put down here. 

The whole story is that I was doing my trucking job on my way back to trucking hub. Where we start the trucking job. Suddenly a guy came and I couldn't listen him cuz of my voice chat issue. This issue is actually that I cant hear nor speak in voice chat. Then, he teleported me to many places then I thought that there is some issue in the so I restarted the game. Then it showed me that u have been banned for 1 day. Reason; microphone required . The very next day my friends called me to play. So when I turned on the game and tried to join the server it showed me thissss.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.05 -

So you never tried to run away? or punch the staff member repeatedly? No?

I did it by mistake and then got frightened and ran away. Then i got 1 day banned

So you think the correct thing to do in that situation is punch the staff member? We try to talk to players for there benefit not our own and you just punch and run. Why should we entertain and allow you back if thats your attitude?

How old are you also out of curiosity?

Im really sorry actually i was new to the server that time. I wont repeat it again. Im 21 years old.

So, when I asked you for the full story, why didn't you tell me about the punching of the admin? 

Im really sorry i got a bit panicked. I was scared of getting rejected again. 😔

I dont understand why people always say "i was new to the server at the time"

We have a rule on common sense and would it not be common sense that an admin talking to you would probably be something you cant just run away from? How am i suppose to trust you to follow the rules if you cant even speak to an admin when they require you to do so?

I guess u didnt understand my point i was facing voice chat issue. I was only facing this issue in this  server. I couldnt listen to people nor talk to them. So i got friends they were helping me in communicating to people but at that time none of friends were playing. My mic and headset everything was okay. Then i figured it out. One of my friend told me to swap the character so i was doing but didnt get the chance. I was permanently banned from the server unfortunately. So its up to u to trust me or not.  

I'm sorry but if you are having technical issues with our server, you should contact us, not just keep playing despite not even being able to talk or listen to people. 

In your last appeal you said that we were treating you unfairly because your mic/headphones didn't work with our server. Is it not unfair to the people trying to RP with you that you cannot in any way RP with them? Why even join the server without the ability to talk to people? That is about 90% of the fun of the server. 

So to sum up, you join without the ability to converse, you claim we are being unfair to you, you punch admins that were trying to get this resolved, you run away from the admins, you change character in an attempt to avoid punishment. Why should we let you back? 

i agree with u that talking to people during roleplay is 90% fun. I didnt change my character to avoid punishment i was just trying to figure it out that will it work. Like the mic and hearing stuff. But i didnt get any chance but, now u should let me in because i figured it out and i will never ever punch anyone. Sorry😔

Please tell me, how did you figure it out if you haven't had access to our servers?

im not sure that it will work but i believe that creating another new character with everything from the start will work hopefully. Cuz this thing happened with my friend and he did the same thing and it worked for him.

Right, I will give you a chance, please ensure that your microphone is working before playing. Go with your friend to a secluded place and test it etc. If you are caught again with no mic or abusing any rules, you will just be perm banned again. I don't fully buy the whole this was all one big misunderstanding story about punching the staff member and changing character but I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this occasion. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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