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Unban Appeal - TheLaw - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for TheLaw 

In-game Name: TheLaw

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198104916832

Ban ID: 6401

Reason given for your ban: 1.6 community ban

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Stressing / dosing a so called *friend* and a shit show behind it all - so a couple of me and the guys would stress test each others wifi nothing malicious it was just all a laugh until we fell out with one of the guys and he reported me.

Why should we unban you ?: I have had plenty of time to become a better person and a better roleplayer, i've been wanting to comeback to this community for ages, i have dipped my toe in other communities but none are like this one, It has been one of the greatest on arma and will carry on to be on gta, Please let me show you i am a better roleplayer/person

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You have been wanting to comeback to the community for ages? So you was aware that you was banned, yet still crept under the small hole to get into the server and thought to not inform us? Surely someone who is now a "better" person would have done the right thing and gained some trust back by informing us. Correct?

At this moment in time, you have hardly put any effort into your appeal and therefore I am currently not prepared to give you a chance. However I will give you the opportunity to convince me why you should get another chance. My advice, "sell yourself"

Over to you. 

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I played for 1-2 weeks as i assumed there wasnt anything wrong then i realised the ban meant i couldnt play on any of the community servers so i came to teamspeak and spoke to someone about it and then i gave over my id and everything so that i could be banned on gta. Thats why i made an appeal a couple months ago, i have made plenty of applications and put alot of effort in But this one i didn't because i felt my recent one has alot of input too this one.

As a longterm roleplayer i have played roleplaying servers for around 10 years, i started on this community when i was younger and it was called altislife co uk, i've had a lot of ups and downs thats formed me into a better roleplayer. I was young and dumb, I've grown up over the years and i wouldn't be here making more applications if i didn't care, im not here to be toxic, i'm here to have a good time and some good roleplay 

You have been apart of our community for 7 years according to your forum accolades... do you really believe that we believe you didn't know what a 1.6 community ban meant? 

Come on.. 

i know what 1.6 community ban means yes, i didnt really think of it at the time, i was just excited i could play. after the 1-2 weeks i realised that it would mean on gta aswell so i came to teamspeak and spoke to someone about it, handed over my uid so that my ban could be applied. i never tried to be sneaky about it or try to avoid any admins. 

How many steam accounts to do you have?

1 main one and a couple others with random games on, they're just old accounts from when i was younger but i'll still mention them. I have gta on only one steam account and i also own the non steam version

Any specfic plans if we allow you back in?

If i am allowed back My only planned out thing is that I am going to be mining and smelting (mainly a smelter) and trying to get close to the vagos. I would eventually goto car meets when i have earned respect and have some nice vehicles. after that who knows where the rp will lead.

the 2 weeks i played, its who i prefered out of all the gangs backgrounds and members, i think the leader at the time was jerry and they had only just started building up as something had gone down before i had played. Not saying other gangs are bad its just personal preference.

edit: i might not even like vagos if i started playing so i could join any gang/group eventually after meeting people in different gangs and different professions. 🙂 

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So, im guessing you are here for the rolplay and stay away from any drama?

Glad you said that, cause that will be noted down and held against you if you mess up.

Welcome back.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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