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Unban Appeal - Toby H - GTA RP

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Toby H

Unban Appeal for Toby H 

In-game Name: Toby Harris

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198250360012

Ban ID: C17

Reason given for your ban: An Innapprote News Tweet

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for making a news tweet about a gentlemen wanting to meet a child. That wont happen again.

Why should we unban you ?:  I would like to take this time to say how deeply sorry I am and am aware of the seriousness of this case. I did get pulled by a staff member on top of a building where she made me aware that what i done was inappropriate and she told me to remove the tweet and i did straight away and said how sorry i was. I fully understand the reasoning behind the ban but I hope this could be resolved and that i am given another chance. I have never been in trouble by any staff and this was a clear factor of late night silliness. I can promise you that nothing like this will happen again. The male i tweeted about came up to us telling us that story and at the time i thought this could be a good RP but now looking back i was so wrong as i am aware it is a serious matter and isnt funny in any way whatsoever. I really enjoyed the RP experience on this server and I am ashamed that my actions have lead to this. I hope I am able to get a second chance to prove myself and if there anyway that I can voluntarily do to help then I am more than happy to do so. I appreciate everyone keeping it a happy and safe place.
I just want to highlight about the question I cant express enough about how Bad and uncalled for Idea It was I want to apologies to not only the staff I would like to apologies to the community's as its not a joking matter! . My action On that night doesn't reparents me as a person It was stupid and late nigh silliness!. I will make sure and can promise that you wont hear from me again in a bad manner like this.This community's is the best and would be a shame to not be apart of it as its still growing!
kind regards Toby Harris

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello @Toby H

tell me where you think you went wrong with your previous appeals, proving your character begins with following the guidelines set for the community.

once you’ve done that kindly open a ticket on discord, linking this appeal.

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Hi there thank you for reading 

My previous appeal went A bit wrong due to Bumping 

I have taken the time to reflect about the saturation! This wont happen again 

My character Aim is to join The nhs Ones I have cleaned up my record. Toby Is a hard working doing  Trucking  and  Taxi   rides but ended up meeting a few bad people on the way.Toby is now on his way to clean up and join the nhs.

Toby Joined the news Because he wanted to do some filming with the nhs and police.

I am very sorry for what I did to get banned ! This wont happen again !.

First off thank you for taking the time to take with us in Teamspeak, As mentioned we will carry on with your appeal as normal. 

Whilst I won't go into it fully what the posts we're about (I'm confident you know why), How can we be sure you won't simply do the same thing again should the same person approach you in RP in order to try and get you to make another post? 

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Hi there hope your all well!

No this will not happen again ! I have learned from my lesson ! 
I have never been banned before or any warnings. The news posts will not be about anything that will upset or brake the community guidelines.

I would be happy to accept A life to ban if I mess up again because I know this won’t happen again was me just being silly !

I would like to say how sorry I am to not only the staff but the Community.

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What discrimatory words do you think we don’t allow on our server, if any? 

Anything to do with race or religion and sexuality and disability .and anything that can cause conflict and offence .I release how bad it was what I said and I’m very sorry ! Kind regards Toby

. ​

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Good, I'm glad you understand what we do not allow on our server. I think you've learned your lesson as to your situation.

Bare in mind, that any ban from yourself within a 6 month period will result in a permanent ban due to Fair Ban System.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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