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Unban Appeal - Venessa Green - GTA RP

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Venessa Green

New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Venessa Green
Steam ID: 76561199067500153
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17153
Ban Reason: I genuinly dont know
Why do you think you were banned: i have no idea. all i did was ask if someone could take me to pillbox because i spawned in dead
Why should we unban you: because i love this roleplay and i was banned for no reason
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
First off you didn't spawn in dead at all and the ban wasn't for no reason. If you tried to log into the server you would see two rules you we're banned for. Now one of the rules you we're banned for was combat logging and in turn bans of this nature come with a one month cooldown from the date of said ban.

As you we're banned today you will be able to make a new ban on or after June 23rd 2024. During this time I suggest reading both the GTA and Community rules you can find on top of the forum page and when you make a new appeal put more effort into it and be honest.

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