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Unban Appeal - Vexed - Panasonic - Discord

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Vexed - Panasonic

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Vexed - Panasonic 

In-game Name: Brad

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198254320741

The date you got banned: 09/11/20

Member of the team that banned you: Velen Bell

Reason given for your ban: None

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Well I was bored and posted gifs that where in a way related to a few on going conversations, I accidentally put 'Trunk monkey' in auction house, I said "oops I meant to put that in banter" and did so the only reason I did not delete it is because I think that, that would've been suspicious.

Why should we unban you ?: Now I look back at it, I suppose it looks some what like spam, however it was in 3 channels that was related to ongoing conversations, I have seen someone spam about 10 channels but not banned because it was about someone in gold commands dog, I was not told not to do so rather just banned which I feel is a bit harsh seeing as I haven't done anything like spam that I can recall before this, and to be honest seemed like he was a bit eager to ban me, whether or that's true I don't know but it seems a lot like that; but I use discord for 'police' and have mates that I contact through the server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Could you please confirm your full Discord name?

Should look something like this - Gordon#1878

Cannot find this on the ban list, are you sure this is the correct discord username ?
My apologies, I was removed from the discord, when it happened the forums was down for service so I just assumed I was banned, apologies again.

Player not banned, moving to denied.

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