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Unban Appeal - vxnityzxc - GTA RP

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casino most of the time
Unban Appeal for vxnityzxc 

In-game Name: Tom Sincliar

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199069431883

Ban ID: !!rpuk8985!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2 which is exploiting

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have absolutely 0 idea of why I was banned. I haven't played the server in around a week and I've looked on the forums to see if I have been reported for anything and I cannot find anything reported against me and the date the ban was issued was 10/06/2022 and I have said the last time I played was on the 5th/6th of June so by going off this logic then an admin must of issued the ban which doesn’t make sense considering i haven’t played in 6 days. I can also upload a screenshot the back this up if necessary.

Why should we unban you ?: (Unless you can give me a valid reason and explanation for my ban I can't really answer this).

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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@vxnityzxcYou have been banned for something you have previously been banned for, been told not to do again but gone ahead and done it anyway?

You now have 44 deleted characters of which you have kept going to the casino, try to win big, lose it all and start again.

I take the quotes from your last unban appeal:

"who can provide a good role play scenario and not someone who sits at the casino milking the game for cash."

"Do not make this mistake again and learn from it."

You have again gone against what the admin has said and just gone to the casino.

I do not see you here to provide any form of quality RP, merely someone who wants quick cash to buy flash things.

Come back in 6 months if you change your mind about what you want to do on the server.

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