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Unban Appeal - weemz - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for weemz 

In-game Name: Jonneh Weemzlow

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198161803116

Ban ID: !!rpuk13146!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/147528-unban-appeal-weemz-gta-rp/#comment-839350
Previous appeal ^

I would like to reiterate that I did not have the intention of combat logging. Although, It seemed that like that was the intention I can honestly say it is not. I know with my record this does not sound genuine but i assure you it is. Combat logging is a rule i am very familar with as i have been here for a long time. My lengthy ban last time was beneficial for me as I came back into the server and RPd very well. It was very unfortunate that it seemed like i did combat log. Saying this, my PC did crash last time which is why i forcefully quit the game last time but since then I have upgraded my PC to ensure nothing like this occurs again

Why should we unban you ?: Because it was never my intention to combat log, I have realised though if ever did occur again in a similar scenario it is best to update the people involved in the RP or admins via back in game or even discord to avoid confusion. This genuinely was not my intention, but a pure confusion. I am sorry for the confusion and lack of communication. I know like stated earlier, my history is not the greatest but I can tell you honestly my last ban was lengthy and i did learn a lot and came back and obliged how RP should be and its a shame my PC crashing caused this to happen. I do apologise for the poor communication when it came to this scenario

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @weemz, we're back here again in a very familiar section of the forums for you. 

Please be honest with me, did you intentionally quit the game on the day of this incident or are you certain your PC freezing was the issue? 

I am genuinely being honest, my PC froze during the scenario which is why i left the game. Although, it is my mistake i did not inform anyone of this via back in game or discord and i do apologise for that. I thought the scenario was over which is why i did not come back on. That is still no excuse though and i do apologise for that on my side

I don't think you understand, we know your PC/Game didn't freeze otherwise we wouldn't be bringing it up so much. Is this the story you want to continue rolling with?

Genuinely, from what I remember my PC froze. I understand what you mean is I F8 Quit. I did do so, when I say my PC froze I don’t mean everything stopped working but I have two monitors and everything started to move slow and even the game itself did start to lag. I apologise I should’ve been more clear with that. But yes I did F8 quit due to my PC malfunctioning I’ll say instead. But I genuinely had no intention of combat logging in this scenario as i had no reason to. I had no valuables on me that I would want to keep, even if I did combat logging is not something I’d do. It is a rule I am very familiar with as mentioned previously. But yes, I did f8 quit the game due to my PC not for the cause of combat logging

Weemz, I'm sick of it.

7th ban. You've played a grand total of 23 times since your unban and gotten yourself banned again.

I don't want you back any time this year, I'm flabbergasted you returned after your last ban in all honestly.

I'm absolutely fed up of you constantly coming back, showing you care little for the server or the rules and immediately getting banned.

Re-appeal 23/02/2024 at the earliest.


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