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Unban Appeal - whallapor - GTA RP

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Active member
Gaza Strip, Arcade
Unban Appeal for whallapor 

In-game Name: Liam McLaughlin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199006943325

Ban ID: !!rpuk10659!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: It goes without saying that what I did wasn't the best course of action but it wasn't my intention to break any of the rules that are set in stone to uphold the high quality of roleplay. I had been dumped by Grove after a long gunfight which ended in myself getting downed. Yes I did have a Heavy pistol in my pockets but that wasn't the reason for the F8 quit. A heavy pistol obviously costs money but that wasn't the problem we have just had a war with aztecas. Whilst fighting them I lost guns which are much bigger and cost a lot more money SMG's + Ammo. Multiple of them to be exact so the question is why would I risk my time on the server for a pistol of all things? I simply wouldn't, as I have previously said it wasn't my intention to break rules and the gun wasn't the reason. Yes everyone has seen the memes, I had broken my keyboard out of frustration. After that I had given up for the night and F8 quit after being dumped so the situation was over. However the next day I wouldn't have called for NHS or even attempted to metagame my location to other people in the gang which would have potentially landed both people with a Metagaming ban.

Why should we unban you ?: Why should I be unbanned? I believe that over my time of being on RPUK I have made a large variety of friends who I would love to RP with further given the chance to re-enter the server if unbanned. With that said I still talk to them ooc and this is genuinely due to the fact that I want to return to the server one day and continue my in city friendships with them. Since I have been in the server I would like to believe that I have given good rp to people and with that I have also received good rp which I would like to experience again. Whilst gone I have played other games and other servers but none of the live up to the same quality that RPUK gives. Whilst I have been banned I have taken time to reflect on my self and what really matters. At the end of the day the guns in game are just items and there is no point in myself risking whether or not I can fly in to city for such things. In addition to this whilst gone I still am active on the discord with my friends due to fact that I still have that urge to play again. Whilst being in a gang you always have to be prepared to lose weapons something I have learnt to deal with and given the chance will continue to do so. Given the chance of an unban I would with out a doubt change how I conduct myself inside and outside of the server (discord etc.)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


You say that you never Combat Logged to save your Heavy Pistol. So why did you? What did you attempt to gain? Could you not have waited the 10-15 minutes to respawn?

The reason I decided to disconnect from the server was purely out of frustration of the whole situation, due to personal Issues their is a reason why anger/frustration can get to my head. The situation was sometime around 11-12pm and did have work the next day, doesn't negate the fact that I could've waited the 15 minutes and I agree but I decided for my health I just leave the server for the night. I didn't attempt to gain anything from the F8 Quit I just didn't realise the severity of the situation till the next day, I apologise for if I ruined any roleplay experience for any players but I was dumped for a good 5-7 Minutes thinking the situation was over. Moving forward In future I should mention to staff if a situation like this occurs again, I have no idea again why I would risk my place in the server for something so stupid but with the 1 month break I had from the server I learned my lesson and also gave me a well needed break.

I've added what you DMd me to the report as a hidden comment for only Staff to see as its quite personal but make no mistake that isn't a valid excuse as to why you Combat Logged.

If you get downed, kidnapped etc again but you have work in the morning, what would you do next time?


Moving forward if I do have work the next day I will wait the full 15 minutes and respawn before logging out, I believe I've learned my lesson and I am asking for a second chance within the server.

Are you aware that if you were to be unbanned that your inventory will be wiped and you’ll need to follow NLR as if you died.

Do you accept these terms?

Wipe pending

Don’t make the same mistake again.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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