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Unban Appeal - whallapor - GTA RP

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Active member
Gaza Strip, Arcade
Unban Appeal for whallapor 

In-game Name: Liam McLaughlin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199006943328

Ban ID: !!rpuk11723!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The reason I was banned was due to disconnections during an active situation in a gunfight, Liam McLaughlin is apart of the Cutlass OCG in character and at the time was fighting the Bay City Crew (229) OCG. The fight in question started after cutlass left the Lost MC compound they made their way to Mirror Park Public Car Park, as Cutlass parked up their vehicles the 229 OCG pulled in and started letting shots off so Cutlass then started returning fire. I started chasing cars shooting at them and disconnected shortly after killing a couple 229 members, I tried to reconnect multiple times before contacting the other parties OOC in the Groups Discord, after an hour of trying to reconnect the other parties attempted to contact me to say they were going offline. The next day they made no attempt to continue the prior roleplay but I didn't try to contact them so I see my fault on my end, I believe I was banned souly for the reason that I didn't make an attempt to speak to the other party the next day to continue the roleplay.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I should be unbanned due to the fact that my internet connection & stability was not my fault due to my provider acting up for that period and I also want to push out for the past 4 months since my previous ban I have been providing some of the best roleplay possible since I've made a second character in the police. As an individual I've grown in the server to provide as much character, personality and fun as I possibly can and I think over the past 4 months I've achieved that to a good degree, since my last ban I have moved group within my Liam McLaughlin character and joined a more Roleplay based group enjoying myself more and providing more fun to my character. On the other hand of this ban I believe that I should come back to the server refreshed and if a situation arises like this again I should contact the other party immediately and make sure to resume roleplay every time it may happen in future.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

C2.3 rule breaks come with a minimum 1 month cooldown. 

Feel free to appeal again from 11/03/23

In the next appeal, i want you to stop acting like the victim here. Where these kind of comments will stop:

I didn't break server rules if its out of my control pal
Because, it is in your control. If you are playing on wifi and its shit what are you doing to correct it because with us. Enough is enough here, if you cannot have a stable connection and it CONVENIENTLY happens a lot around gun fights then why are you even playing? 

Take accountability and i want to know steps you have taken to try resolve it for the next appeal, maybe ethernet/powerline adaptors. 

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