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Unban Appeal - whallapor - GTA RP

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Active member
Gaza Strip, Arcade
Unban Appeal for whallapor 

In-game Name: Liam McLaughlin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199006943325

Ban ID: !!rpuk11723!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 Combat Logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to combat logging whilst having internet issues at home.

Why should we unban you ?: Despite being extremely busy these past few months, I've missed signing on to Roleplay with friends and the community in general. Playing the server has been a great deal of fun for me. Due to combat logs while experiencing home internet problems, I was blacklisted. I now realise that even if my internet may have gone out, I failed to notify other parties or staff in order to minimise the effects on roleplay. I am totally aware of what to do now OOC to alert and make it known what occurred if I were to get unbanned. I'm here to roleplay as well as add to people's experiences by making it more enjoyable.

Rules like "C2.3 - Combat logging" are essential for the server to ensure people don't log out during situations and ruin the Roleplay. It also impacts the server economy because you would never lose items.

I am aware that my prior ban status hasn't been the finest, but I hope that I can show you through roleplaying and my future conduct that I am committed to following the server's rules and procedures.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there,

The biggest thing that got my attention here is the fact you were well aware of the fact that you have those internet issues, yet you still decided to get yourself involed in situations, why should we belive that you did in fact have those internet issues and were not just making a bigger excuse to get out of situations with the hope that the other party will not want to carry on the next day, especially since you already have a previous ban for combat logging?

I'm in the same situation as "the boy who cried wolf," except instead of  combat logging, I had issues with my internet. In what I thought at the time, it was the correct step to create a ticket reporting the issue. Now that I look back, I realise it would be best if I avoided connecting to the server altogether or, at the absolute least, avoided any major Roleplay where stories could be affected. Sincerely, I enjoy using this server and being part of the community. I'm conscious of my past mistakes, and if I were to come back, I would like to demonstrate to you by my actions and roleplay that I'm here to play by the rules.

So, network issues, i'd like to know what steps have you taken to resolve said connection issues.

In all honesty, if anyone uses Virgin Media, I'm sure they could relate to the Network troubles. Since I haven't recently had any issues, they appear to have fixed themselves. In order to prevent such problems from affecting Roleplay, I will refrain from logging in to the server altogether. If I were already engaged in Roleplay at the time, I would alert other players and staff via OOC (discord/forums) using my mobile in order to minimise the effects.

I have Virgin Media, and it doesn't go down that often. Mostly during the afternoon but going off your disconnect logs of where you have "had internet issues". 9/10 its just after you get downed is when this starts to happen...

Are you here for Roleplay?

I chose to join this server because it encourages serious roleplay. I've learned a tonne about RP from it, and I've also had a lot of fun. Naturally, I'm here to roleplay, and I'd be grateful to show the staff and community by getting my ban lifted. I can only express my regret for the decisions I made that led to my past behaviour and promise to do everything in my power to avoid breaking any rules in the future. Along with that, I'll be careful to follow the correct steps to avoid interfering with roleplay.

Would you say that your focus on the server from the start has always been quality RP?

I had never Roleplayed before joining this server so despite wanting to Roleplay I didn't know how to. I said earlier I chose this server to learn about Roleplay and It's only through my time on this server that I learned how to. Rules are in place to make sure the Roleplay experience here is of a high quality and now I understand that. This server is about developing your character and creating stories so I'm hoping to do just that. If I had known then what I know now, I would have concentrated more on quality RP.

What sort of Roleplay do you plan on continuing and developing, if unbanned?

I want to find out how my characters are affected by all of the updates I'm seeing in the changelogs. Both my criminal and legal characters want to rise through the ranks of their own organisations. As a criminal, it was my responsibility to communicate with the various gangs; hence, I aim to further develop this Role and establish myself as a recognised point of contact for my OCG. I've had a lot of fun playing as an Officer, therefore I'd love to become RPU in the police force and I'm eager to finish the requirements. I'm excited to rekindle old connections and get back into the swing of things in the city because I spend a lot of time on the server.

I'll give you another chance here, you have only three bans. Albeit, two are for Combat Logging.

If your internet connection does die, open a Staff ticket and speak to those whom were involved. Bare in mind, opening tickets wont always save you as we do notice the patterns that happen to people when their connection dies. For example, only losing connection whilst downed with items.

A wipe has been completed on your inventory as per a Successful Appeal for C2.3


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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